Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sonya & Nathan Head East!

I told myself I just needed to get started on posting the PA pics!  So I have 15 minutes.  We'll see what I get done :)

God answers prayers.  He had all sorts of blessing planned for me on our plane flight home.  We got up SUPER early on Saturday morning (I think it was like 4:30) to get to Denver for our 8:25 flight.  Matt was awesome as usual in helping to get everything loaded up and Nathan ready to go.  Nathan did not sleep on the way up there in the car...he's a morning person!  In Denver as we were checking in I asked the Southwest attendant if there were few enough people on the plane that I could take the carseat on for Nathan.  Praise the Lord, there were!  So we got to take the car seat.  Only one thing tricky about that...going through security and then taking the train and going all the way to the Southwest gate with the carseat, diaper bag, camelbak, stroller and Nathan.  It can be done but would be SO much easier with...Matt!!!  They gave Matt a special pass so he could go to the gate with us.  Score!

Double bonus...the saying goodbye was not as hard at the gate because of how fast we were moving there was no time to think.  I barely had time to run to the bathroom before boarding.  Matt snapped a quick picture of us before Nathan and I ran up to hand in our ticket.
I didn't have time to think about being sad.  Although I will admit as I was walking onto the runway and Nathan was happily waving good bye to Matt I bit back tears thinking,  "he has no idea he won't see him later that day!"  He actually did awesome the whole time we were in PA without his daddy.  Must have had enough attention to distract him!  Always tougher on the mama then the kiddo!

On the plane...
So happy to have his carseat! :)   AND we got a whole row of 3 seats to ourselves.

And yay for Elmo coloring books and stickers!

The iPad even distracted him for a few minutes.
Honestly, the best part about the iPad (and his little toddler headphones) was when he was SUPER tired and being stubborn about going to sleep (and a little cranky and noisy) I took the iPad and started watching a little clip from a Curious George app Matt downloaded.  Just from watching (he couldn't hear it) the movement on the screen he started to nod off!  I thought, "Could this really work?"

It did!!!!
There is absolutely NOTHING sweeter than seeing your toddler asleep on a plane!  I think we were about 2 hours or so into the trip at that point.  I know he slept for about 45 minutes before we started to land.  I gladly used the time for a little snooze myself.  I was almost giddy with excitement.  It's exhausting to be "on" for that long and trying to keep your kiddo occupied and not disrupting others on the plane.  We were having issues while he was awake because he kept wanting to kick the back of the lady's seat in front of him.  We all know how nice it is to have someone kicking our seat on the plane!  I was feeling very grateful for the grace the Lord showed us on this trip home.  Also, I LOVE Southwest.  They have been the most accommodating airline when traveling with a kiddo HANDS DOWN.  That's why we put up with the trip to Denver and the trip from Baltimore to my hometown on the other end.

Well...Matt says "time's up!"  (It's actually been 20) I guess it was a start anyway.  I will be back with more of our trip on another day!

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

So many expressions from our little guy. Each picture of him had a different expression and all so loveable. He is so precious. Thanks again for sharing. I will be looking forward to more.