Saturday, May 5, 2012

Baby on the way

Well I guess its about time I announce on the blog that we are expecting our 2nd child! Baby #2 is due on September 21st! I tried to do a short recap of our journey so far below.  I'm 20 weeks along right now...halfway there! Eeek!  How did that happen?

Week 4- positive pregnancy test! I made Matt look first after doing my duty...same as with Nathan. He came back again saying, "What do you want it to say?" I knew we were pregnant then! That's also what he said with Nathan. I wasn't entirely surprised as I felt "pregnant" prior to this moment. I just felt like I was. So I still have yet to take a pregnancy test and read "negative". We're 2 for 2. Actually, 3 for 3. I think I took two with Nathan. This time I didn't feel like I needed additional confirmation.

Happy but looking more tired this time around! ha ha.

I think it was kind of late that night...

Week 5- first ultrasound. Everything looked good but doctor wanted me to come back the following week to get a more accurate due date by scheduling another ultrasound with the tech.

Nathan made it through this appointment as well with no major issues :) Matt was there, so of course, that helped!

Week 6- This ultrasound was much more detailed. It was amazing what they can see so early on in pregnancy. The baby seems to be healthy so far!

As if there is a need for a full length shot this early on, but you got one anyway!

Week 8- Shared with family (and friends, Adam & Jessie) in Indiana. Told my parents a few days before this trip. A little early to share for us, but we figured since we'd be seeing everyone, we might as well share the news! We did so by dressing Nathan in an "Awesome Big Brother" t-shirt. Courtney saw it immediately as Nathan exited his room. Then Mom Witt saw him and the rest all caught on quite quickly! They all are quite observant and read his shirt right away.
Shared with my grandparents and brother's family in the week or so after we got back from the trip.

Week 13- definitely feel like I'm showing...especially by the end of the day! Told small group this Tuesday. They were excited and surprised and thought we were sneaks for not telling sooner. Andrew & Brittney are due 1.5 weeks after us and Kyle & Jen are due mid July! BABIES!!! Today we went to the zoo with Jen & Jamin and my stomach hurt all day as though it was growing and stretching. It was odd. I have no idea how much I've gained because our scale needs new batteries. Convenient, right? I can tell you for sure I weigh more than the first time around! I guess it would have helped if I had ever gotten back down to my pre-pregnancy weight from Nathan, but I guess that ship has sailed! Worked out this morning and had about zero energy. Hopefully I burned a couple of calories and kept my muscles from depleting a little so I can continue carry my sweet little 18 month old around!

Week 14- Hmmm...the scale actually works. Nice try with the batteries though, huh? Actually showing zero weight gain. Maybe even a little loss. But that's because we have been sick around here lately. I'm sure my appetite will rev back up soon. My abs just aren't what they used to be and I feel like my gut is showing more quickly than with Nathan.

Week 15- Happy day. Nathan is feeling better...we all are feeling better. Both Nathan and I's appetite are back! Need to hit the grocery store :) Nathan and I attempted a few pregnancy pictures yesterday so you all could see the beginnings of my lovely transformation...about time for a photo right? In that dreaded in between stage...not ready for maternity clothes but looking like a muffin top in my normal clothes!

Nathan even made it in one!

Not great...but you get the idea! Matt thinks I am carrying a little lower this time around.

15 1/2 week appointment- Everything still looking good. Baby's heartbeat 155. Gave blood. Gained 2 pounds so far. Been taking gummies for vitamins. I don't like gagging on pills. Doctor doesn't mind. Matt is jealous because he thinks my gummy vitamins look SO good :)

16 weeks: Today I feel sore in the everything is stretching and moving down there. Or, maybe hitting the gym for the first time in WEEKS yesterday is taking its toll. It's been very hard to get to the gym with the sicknesses we have been fighting in the last 3 week...but it felt good to get back! Here I am at 16 weeks:

And another one.
Full length for you, but the sun behind me is a bit crazy.

And one with my little man!

Easter Sunday...Week 16 and 3 days- I'm pretty sure I felt the baby move! My boys are napping :) so I used the time to read the Easter scriptures that were supposed to be reading all of Holy Week for church. It was nice to have the time to myself. And then I felt it...a quick movement in my tummy. It's a feeling I remember from 2 years ago :) Here we go!!!

Also in Week 16: I fell down the stairs. All is well. It was probably only about half the flight. I was coming down from putting Nathan down for a nap in my slippers and I think they caused me to lose traction. I just slid down on my back. My tailbone, back and arms hurt but baby shouldn't have been affected.

And we moved all of my childhood furniture into Nathan's room and out of the baby's room one night this week. I realized that I had never taken a picture of Nathan's room since we moved into this house. It was basically everything that was in the apartment, just arranged a little differently since the room layouts aren't the same. So anyway, we moved his small bookshelf with bins out of his room (and into our closet for more shelving for our folded clothes) and moved my corner piece and dresser into his room. Matt and I had been using these pieces in our room since we were first married but since we got the IKEA pieces we could move them on to Nathan as planned! I really like the feel of his room with these pieces in it.  Here's a few quick snaps:


Gram made that pillow for me on the recliner for Nathan!  It matches his sheets.  I should have taken a close-up picture.

We need to move some of his pictures on the wall around and probably add a few things.  But it works for now!
We decided to leave Nathan's room pretty much intact until he is a little older to transition it into a big boy's room. We're not ready to move him into a toddler bed yet so we are going to bite the bullet and purchase one for the new baby. Ikea has one we like that is relatively inexpensive and then we hope to also purchase a dresser that can be used as a changing table now and then grow with our little one! Maybe he/she will be like me and use it on into adulthood and then for their kiddo! Or maybe not. Anyway, that's our tentative plan.

Now we just need to move this wardrobe and night stand down to the basement and the baby's room is a blank slate!
Oh...and the printer needs to be relocated too!


Week 17:
I apologize for the poor quality in pictures this time around.

We only have so much time to get it done with this little guy!  He gets impatient :)

Week 18:  We had our ultrasound and found out the gender!!!  We are having a...

We are so excited to add a boy to our family! :) Usually you can schedule the ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks.  My doctor thought it would be no problem to schedule it the Friday before Nathan and I flew to Pennsylvania so I could tell my family and my mom and I could do some SHOPPING! :)  Thankfully, our little peanut cooperated during the ultrasound so we were able to find out.

Nathan and I going into the appointment.

Waiting for my doctor after the ultrasound.  Showing Nathan his baby brother :)
We were very pleased to find out that our baby boy looks to be healthy and well from the ultrasound!

We took a few pics at home before Matt had to head to see his first patient.  We are excited!

Matt is dreaming of two boys in pee wee football :)

So my 18 week shot:
Broke out a maternity skirt :)  Stretch is the BEST


This kid has NO idea what is coming!

He's going to love it :)

Week 19:  In Pennsylvania.  I can't believe how much the baby is kicking!  I feel him a lot.  I can't remember feeling Nathan this much when I was this far along but time has a way of making me forget who knows!  I feel like I am growing A LOT this week!  It might just be all of the food I am eating and the lack of exercise while away from home :) but I feel like I'm going through a growth spurt!  However, I don't have an official pregnancy shot to document.  I do have this one.  You can tell I have a belly in it!  Maybe my pose is making it worse but it works!

I love this kiddo.

So full of love!

Oh, and we did shop :) Cute clothes for our newest little peanut!  Thanks for the onesies Age!

Week 19, Day 5:   Came home from PA last night.  Laying in bed I had Matt put his hand on my stomach and he felt two swift kicks!  I said, "I told you!" :)  Always fun to have him feel what I'm feeling going on inside of me and to have his second son say hello to him:)

Week 20!  Still can't believe I am halfway there.  Also can't believe I have another 20 weeks to go with how much more quickly I am expanding this time around!  Nathan pays much closer attention to us than I realize sometimes.  He pulled out the onesies that Age bought his baby brother and he said, "Babee!"  What???  He also has been kissing my belly and saying baby.  How is child this young supposed to have any concept of what exactly is going on?  Oh well...we're going with it :)  Here's me halfway there!

And on a walk with the family...
Love this little man, the big man, his daddy, and the baby boy growing inside of me.  Blessed with the men in my life!  And yep...I am definitely showing! 

Well, now that you are all caught up, I'll try to keep you somewhat updated on the happenings around here as we prepare to welcome a new little one into our home!


Darci said...

Congrats to you guys! Very exciting!

And 2 boys...Nathan and baby #2will be best buds!!

Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly!

Pap and Gram said...

We are so excited to welcome another great grandson into the family soon.
Enjoyed the pictures and comments.Love and prayers Pap and Gram.

mmncgrand said...

So happy to have some pictures of your pregnancy Sonya. We, too, are very happy to have another baby to love. And Nathan will get in on all the fun this time. Thank you for your faithfulness in getting pictures together. Love all FOUR of you. G.G.

Anonymous said...

Sonya, I love reading about your life! You do such a great job of documenting everything. We are thrilled for you and Matt and Nathan!! :)

Much love,
Tawny, Clayton & Wesley

RosebudWitt said...

Okay, getting to catch up on looking at your blog. That picture of you at 6 weeks, with you holding Nathan, your hair looks incredible! I think its shampoo commercial material.