Monday, May 21, 2012

Garage Sale

We had our garage sale on Saturday!

Looks like a nice enough day, right?

It started out that way.  A little cool, but the sun was shining.

We didn't have a ton to sell.  We make several goodwill trips during the year.  But we had more than usual.  Things we now knew we wouldn't be using in our new home...doesn't match our decor, no place for it, etc.


Nathan of course enjoyed running around the garage and driveway.


Mommy munching on a granola bar for breakfast...Nathan climbing into his chair.

I had to move out into the sun to not freeze!

So Daddy & Nathan took a spin around the neighborhood to see if there was anything good to buy.  They came back empty handed.  Matt didn't stop over at our neighbors across the street and was kicking himself because they were selling Wii Fit and Guitar Hero.  It was snatched up right away.  I wasn't bummed at all though considering we played the Wii maybe ONCE since Nathan has been born!

So it got cloudier and windier and then it started to sprinkle on and off.  Not good for a sale!   There wasn't a lot of traffic and we actually closed up quite early because we didn't want to waste our time!  It was still a good day because the couple did come for the dog run and was thrilled to get it just as we were thrilled to get rid of it for cash.  I think I put Nathan down for a nap around 11 and then went out to help Matt pull things in.  So we didn't feel like it was a total waste, we went ahead and put the things we were ready to send to Goodwill in a box, itemized how much it was worth for a tax deduction and got it ready to take over later that day.  Then I took some good pics of the things we wanted to try to sell on Craigslist before giving them, mirror, 3in1 game table (left by the previous owners) etc.  We posted that stuff on Craigslist that day and got several inquiries that night!  We sold a mirror on Sunday that we paid $48 for at TJMaxx 3.5 years ago...for $40!  We have now sold a total of $397 in the last two weeks...$7 of which was from the garage sale!!!! No joke.

What's the bottom line?  Craigslist is for us, garage sales are not!  We know that better weather would have helped a lot, but it seems that you can often sell your stuff for a lot more on Craigslist.  People are looking for a specific thing on there and not simply browsing for good deals.  You can take really nice pictures of items in your house instead of them sitting out on a table and get them to fall in love with it before even seeing it!   Plus, most years we will just not have enough to sell more than likely.  We'd rather get rid of things as we go along then save them for a sale.  But it was a good experience!  Plus, we ran down to the south side to pick up a reel mower from another Physical Therapist that Matt works with...he gave it to him for free because he wasn't using it anymore!  We were going to buy one so that was a huge blessing.  And with taking our smaller ticket items to Goodwill we still cleaned out a lot of stuff.  Someone came by to pick up a large piece of plywood that was left here it was nice to get rid of that.  Not huge fans of garage sales for future selling, but all in all, still a good weekend!


mmncgrand said...

I enjoyed seeing pictures of your house as well as the three of you. Not enough of Matt tho. I am glad you were successful with little. As I said before it takes a lot of work to pull a sale off. Do something fun with your earnings.

Nicole said...

Your day certainly was not a waste as you made it down to the south side! And for a reel mower... how exciting! You had some nice pictures at your garage sale, surprised no one snatched those up, must have been the weather.

Matt and Sonya said...

Ha ha! Good perspective, Nicole :) Yes, I used the reel mower yesterday and it's pretty sweet. Something very naturalistic feeling about it...I like not having to deal with gas and noise and it's just a tiny thing in comparison to a gas mower! Good news...the pictures are selling on Craigslist :) I do think you are right about the weather. We really didn't have hardly anyone come by.

Nicole said...

I am sure that reel mower does have a nice feel to it! And that is wonderful news that your pictures are selling on Craigslist!

mmncgrand said...

I want a biteof that baby ruth Nathan is munching on. Also can you tell me which bedroom windows are on the front wide of the house.
Glad you are continuing to sell some things.