He loves cars, motorcycles airplanes...he says "vroom, vroom!" about 50 times a day!
Posing for daddy to take his picture so he can see it!

He let me in on this one :)

Getting ready to take a family walk on the trails in our neighborhood. We LOVE that we can walk out our back door & gate and be on a trail.

The other night Matt was changing a sprinkler head. Margo & Carmen came over to play with Nathan. I think Daddy is telling Nathan to not throw mulch here. See Nathan's innocent hands behind his back? :)

Margo and Carmen are so good to him. They are picking up the mulch he threw in the grass! Girls are SO different than boys!
Matt giving Nathan a bath before bed on Saturday night.

Playing in the tub.

Looking at his daddy. Matt squirted him when he wasn't looking! He, of course, thought it was hilarious.

All clean...and sober.

I don't think I ever posted these from a few weeks ago. We are all in the basement. Matt is putting together shelves for storage!

I'm going through Nathan's clothes and organizing them into bins now that we have room for that many bins instead of space saver bags!

What a good helper.

Getting really excited to have another boy and be able to get these clothes out again!

Oh the money we will save! :)
Nathan helping me.

Timeout for a hug...he's a sweetheart!

Nathan loves being in the basement with us, playing with his toys, getting into whatever we are into...
We are working on getting organized down there and getting rid of things we don't need or want anymore. Matt now has 3 shelves up and our wardrobe is down there as well now thanks to our small group guys :) It's fun to get it all organized and labeled!