Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Apple Farm

Uncle Jerry, Aunt Kathy and Matt and I went to the Happy Apple Farm this weekend. It is located about an hour south west of the Springs. The sad thing was that there was a frost in April that prevented them from having ANY apples this fall! We went and picked our pumpkins anyway to support the business. We had fun!
This is the blossom that a pumpkin begins as. I didn't know that! Isn't that amazing?

Matt spotted his pumpkin right away. We really liked the green ones! Matt wants to carve an Eagle into his. So hence, green makes sense. He wanted to take his pumpkin to BW3s tonight to watch the Eagles vs. Cowboys. But we didn't get the pumpkin carved yet. I'm so disappointed. :) Mine is the little one. I love it!

Picking our Pumpkins right off of the vine!

Here is our little pile of green pumpkins reserved with our water bottle while we scour the fields for more. As you can see in this picture to the right, there were actually orange pumpkins, but they were already picked. We wanted to find our own, plus we liked the green ones. Our green ones will turn orange if we put them in the sun, but mine will probably stay on my coffee table in my green living room for now!

Isn't this little girl adorable? I took a picture of her and her family ...her brother was just as cute, and hilarious.

Unlce Jerry & Matt with their pumpkins!

A group shot outside of the Happy Apple Farm Store.
Here we are in the orchard. I took pictures of Uncle Jerry & Aunt Kathy with their camera. I was so mad that I didn't have Matt take some with my camera because it was hilarious when Uncle J dipped Aunt K for a kiss! I wish I had that picture!
After the pumpkin patch, we went to Belvedere's in Canon City for Italian at it's best! Then we took the scenic route home through the mountains. We got out a few times for some pictures and drove around some older thriving and one that was really struggling. There was some wildlife along the way too...check out the cow along the road! Maybe not so wild.

The road we drove used to be a railway up the mountain to bring gold back down that was mined. On the right is a bridge that we encountered on the way.

If you look VERY closely on the bridge you can see a crazy girl waving her arms at who could that be? :) Love you all!


Viktor and Kristen said...

thanks for the updates...i love reading about all of your fun! miss you guys!!

Matt and Sonya said...

you're welcome Kristen! We miss you too! When are you coming to visit? :) Let's chat soon!

Anonymous said...

Who would have known there is a such thing as green pumpkins...I certainly had no idea! How interesting! Looking at those pumpkins is getting me excited for pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving! Love, Rosie

Anonymous said...

Those green pumpkins were supposed to encourage those Eagles to win on Monday night! What happened to our boys?!?!?!