Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy 79th Birthday, Pap!

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 This was when Matt and I still lived in Indiana and he was in PT school.  Dad & Mom and Pap & Gram came out to visit and we went down to the Indianapolis riverwalk.
Pap's birthday was actually yesterday, September 16th.  I just never had the chance to post!  I just felt so grateful that we were celebrating another year of his life on Monday.  God has done such an amazing work in this man's life and he is far, FAR better than we or the doctor's had anticipated!  I talked to him on the phone yesterday while he and Grandma were driving into town for dinner.  He asked how the boys were and Matt just like always!  We had a good conversation and he doesn't seem like he missed a beat at all.  On Sunday, my whole family celebrated his birthday at Country Cupboard.  I wish I could have been there, but again, my heart is just swelling with gratefulness that this man I love so much is doing incredibly well!  Thank you, Lord!

Gram and he even made a trip up to Canada a few weeks ago to visit my Gram's brother and sister 'n law!  I love seeing those two do what they enjoy the most, just getting around and doing their thing :)  Please pray for gram though if you think of it as she has had several issues with her foot/ankle breaking and re-breaking.  It's so hard for her to be immobile.  All she knows how to do is push herself!

A few months ago I had gone through tons of pictures and pulled ones out of my beloved Pap.  I love photos because they ignite memories in my heart.  So I thought on his 79th birthday I'd post a few so you all can see the Pap that I love so dearly.  And you will probably see from these pictures why most any child that crosses his path can't escape his fun and love!

Pap being pap.  Who knows why we was pouring water from one bottle to another!  This was at a picnic at Uncle John's house.
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I believe this was at my cousin Jeff and Jessica's wedding!  Pap always makes the in laws feel like family :)  My grandparents have been two of Matt's biggest fans over the years!
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Pap clowning around with his great grandkids.
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And they even came out by themselves (my parents couldn't come because my dad got a blood clot in his leg and was forbidden to travel) to Matt's graduation!  They were so proud of him getting his Doctorate of Physical Therapy!  It meant so much to us to have them there.
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Another picnic.
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I love these photos of pap with Colin.
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He would chase Colin and Colin kept coming back for more, it was so fun!
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Pap & Grandma celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary!
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At Christmas looking at their yearly calendar.  It's getting so hard to do this as I'm not home enough to get photos of everyone!
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Ha ha.  Pap taking a little nap.  I remember as a little kid laughing at pap snoring in the middle of everything going on around him!
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So many precious memories of playing Crokinole and other games with pap and gram.  Often it's hard to not bust a gut laughing at pap's antics.  And he is the sharpest competitor!  I'm itching to do this again with them!
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Love him!
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I love this photo of Mom and Pap.
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Nathan meets his Pap Berry!
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Nathan's first Christmas he had 2 other second cousins very close in age to him!  Jaxon and Easton.
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These guys are so much fun together.
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I think pap was rolling up balls of paper and putting them in the alligator's mouth :)
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Sure.  Have an apple!
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I remember Pap weighed all the grandkids that Christmas and had us all guess their weight! ha ha.  Nathan definitely was the heaviest of the 3 youngest and Pap thought it was hilarious.

More with Nathan.
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Pap meets Josh last Christmas!
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Even made him smile at less than 3 months old.

Love you Pap!  Hope you had a wonderful birthday and wish you MANY more!!!  Matt, Sonya, Nathan & Josh XO

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

Wonderful pictures of your Pap. He is so fun loving. A great example and legacy for his family. Happy Belated Birthday to a dear man. I love the picture of him giving Gram a kiss and her show of joy in it.