Saturday, September 21, 2013

Friday & Saturday

I figured out how to get Nathan to play outside on his own...

Give him an audience!

Josh enjoyed his fluffer nutter while Nathan entertained him. Nathan was chatting away to Josh as he played and kept running up to the window to say something to him face to face!

That was Friday. That night when Matt got home we ate dinner and then took the boys to the fountain in a neighborhood near us. It was a cool evening...but not too cold! Fall is in the air :)  So we put hats on the boys and shoes on Josh. He wasn't thrilled with the shoes and did THIS until he yanked them off in the car!

Nathan showing us him "exercising"!

Josh, one of the best audiences around!

He's so funny.  He puts his arms up like this all of the time...even when you don't ask how big he is! :)

So big!

Nathan throwing rocks into the water.

My guys!

Josh walking..with a little help :)

Love watching these two together!

Watching the fountain.

Then this morning we went to our gym's pool for our last outdoor swim of the season! It's a beautiful day! Matt and I dropped the boys off at the kids club for awhile to go to the hot tub, down the slides and just be in the sun and hang out. Then we went to get them to swim! They loved it.

Nathan pushing Josh around in his float!

Mommy and the boys in the lazy river.

A friend of ours and fellow Physical Therapist of Matt's, Rory, moved to Denver earlier this year. She was so sweet and sent us a $20 Villa gift card they wouldn't me able to use since they moved. So we got a free lunch today! Great burgers.

Matt just got home from work. He was only scheduled for one patient today so our boys barely missed him! Josh was up for a little with me but Nathan's still sleeping and went down before he left.

So that was my test post without using Photobucket for pictures. It took way longer than I would like, but maybe I could get faster at it as I get used to the HTML formatting. I don't think I will do anything with the old posts at this point. So on October 1st, my bandwidth resets meaning you can go back and check old posts you might have missed due to that error message coming up this month. I did so many posts in September which might be part of the problem. The other part could be the slideshows I had up of our family pictures and Nicole's wedding. I took those down in case it was a contributing factor. Hope you all are having a great weekend! Matt, Sonya, Nathan & Josh XO


mmncgrand said...

So happy to see more pictures. I know this takes a lot of your time Sonya but we sure do appreciate it. Thanks for trying to get us on FaceTime. We will connect soon.

mmncgrand said...

When Matt is holding Josh he usually has his little hand up on his Daddy's neck or face. I,love it. So good to see all of you for a few minutes on face time.