Thursday, October 24, 2013

First Snow, Football Sunday, More Fall & Nathan's Nap

Last Friday morning, we had our first snow. So we skipped the gym and went outside after breakfast.

Nathan, happy to shovel away.

Yep, in his shorts.  He insisted.

Josh tasting the powdery goodness!

Fall colors and snow!  Just not right :)

Josh needed to come in because his bottom was all wet from the snow and his little hands were cold since he wouldn't keep his mittens on!  He like watching his brother from the door, who stayed out there for quite awhile after Josh came in and went down for his nap.

Little legs!

Josh has my lens cap cover.

We borrowed a walker from Kyle & Jen.  He likes it!  Even when doing it backwards.

Game day.

Nathan telling me something about the footballs with a classic disturbed expression on his face!

Josh trying Nathan's helmet on for size.

I see you Mommy!

I think Matt was putting his sock on here?

Our tree. Still standing.  I know I should email someone to make sure they haven't forgotten us, but I kind of don't want to.

Fall is the best!

Nathan is sleeping in this picture!  Seriously.  He spent about two hours chatting away to his animals and finally fell asleep in this position, with his leg up.

The other day I heard him telling one of his animals, "no touch! You have to be careful." And then last night he was clapping and singing loudly in his crib and I told him (over the monitor) that he needed to keep it down so Josh could fall asleep. He says back to me, "But Mommy, it's Malachi's birthday!"

Well then, my mistake, be as loud as you want. 


mmncgrand said...

I had to laugh at this one. Just gotta love those boys and their antics. You will remember this always with it documented like this. What a gift for the boys when they get older and have children of their own. Let's see, shorts and parkas, lawn mower and snow shovel, snow and a tree full of leaves. Doesn't get any better than that.

mmncgrand said...

Oh my I love those little legs on Josh.