Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3rd Trimester. Ahhh!!

Oh dear, does this mean the nursery should be closer to being finished??? :)

My 28 week appointment was on Friday.  Nathan went with me and was a champ!  I did the glucose test where I had to drink the sugary liquid and then wait an hour for them to draw my blood to see how I reacted to it.  I was a little worn out after that just keeping him entertained but he was just being an almost two year old boy!  I think because I fasted before it (found out later my doctor didn't think that was necessary!) and then had all that sugar, my body just crashed and I felt like I had zero energy.  But we took a few elevator rides and ran down the hallway to kill some more time after the waiting room got boring (okay, HE ran down the hallway!)

The visit with Dr. Shelton was positive.  I'm measuring at 28 cm...at 28 weeks so right on with my due date.  This is the same as it was with Nathan.  Our baby boy's heart rate was 150 and he is having a good old time flipping around in my belly these days!  Dr. Shelton said I don't even look pregnant.  This is what I love about my doctor, he has a very dry sense of humor!  He's not for everyone but I really like him and that made me laugh out loud.  Matt thinks it's funny because Dr. Shelton thinks I'm in really good shape, eat healthy, etc.  The easiest patient around.  Matt knows these things aren't true at all! :)  I try to tell Dr. Shelton otherwise, but he doesn't believe me, so why not let him go on believing it?

In a Max Lucado book I've been reading I read this quote I really like, "Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse.  But treat a man as if he where what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be."  Maybe that's what Dr. Shelton is doing!  Smart man.

Anyway, I digress.  So we made it home and here's a picture that day.

Over the weekend, Matt & Nathan built the dresser for our baby boy's room.  Seriously, you should see Nathan with a hammer!  It's amazing what he is starting to pick up.  Matt said he was actually able to screw a screw in a little bit the other day.  He loves "working" with daddy.  I started to try to take pictures but my camera battery died.  Sorry!

And I think I found some curtains that will work as well as a super cute lamp at TJ Maxx!  We do have a chair for the room and putting up the crib will be the next project.  I'm hoping once we have these things in place I will be able to get an idea of what is going to work best for my crib bedding (just sheets this time!), changing pad cover, wall art ect.  I have ideas of what I want but need to make sure I choose what will go best with the furniture we put in there.  I'm loving that Dad put up shelves in the baby's closet too.  With the closet and the large dresser we will have lots of storage!  Thanks, dad! :) 

A few 3rd trimester photos after brunch on Sunday with an awesome couple we met at church!  Get this, they have a boy who is 5 days younger than Nathan (born on Nathan's actual due date...Aug 30th), and they have a second little boy who is 3 months old!  Anyway, the pics:


From the front!
Growing steadily.  I'm around 154-155lb...where I was with Nathan at the beginning of the 3rd trimester.  I'm hoping I follow the same pattern I did with Nathan where my weight gain drastically slows in the 3rd trimester!  But, we'll see!  If I'm hungry, I eat!


Pap and Gram said...

thanks for the pictures.Sonya, You are looking great. I think your doctor is right. Love ya Gram

Matt and Sonya said...

ha ha. Thanks, Gram! Miss you so much!

mmncgrand said...

Nice shots. You are looking so good Sonya. Can't wait for another GREAT grandson.

Matt and Sonya said...

Thanks, Grandma J! Yes, it is exciting!