Thursday, June 7, 2012

25 Weeks

When I take pictures while Nathan's awake he likes to be in them!  So I end up with a few more pictures than just a snap or two...but it's fun!  I just picked him up for this one and he put his arm around my neck, pulled my face right up against his and cheesed for the camera!  Oh my!  Do you think he is a little familiar with the camera, or what? :)  He's sporting a fresh haircut here too.  I asked Lynnse to take more off because it grows so fast!

Full length

Motorcycle still in hand.

Okay, just me and my belly.  He was otherwise entertained.


Ha ha.
He was playing on my iPad.

What's going on in my pregnancy lately...
  • Acid reflux when I lay down to go to bed...thankfully, Tums does the trick!  This is not a new symptom for me, I had it with Nathan as well
  • LOTS of kicking!  This is one active little baby boy :)  My whole belly moves with his kicks :) 
  • Tiring.  Not tiring like the first trimester.  Just tiring because I'm carrying additional weight around, chasing a toddler who has so much ENERGY and needs to get outside, go on walks, the park etc, carrying that same toddler up and down stairs, in and out of car seats, grocery carts and strollers!  By the end of the day I'm pretty exhausted and then Matt and I want to catch up, get things done around the house during our little time together at night after Nathan goes to we stay up later.  And then Nathan is rip-roaring and ready to go at 6:30 the next morning!  I know what you are thinking, "how's she going to make it with 2 kiddos?"  Well, good question!
  • Expanding...well that's obvious.  But this time frame seems to be when I grow the most...with Nathan and now again with the new kiddo!  It makes finding clothes to wear lots of fun :)
  • Nathan being really cute pointing at my belly and saying "baby".  He even started saying baby today when we were taking if he knows it has something to do with whatever is going on with my growing belly!  
  • Trying to get as much done as possible in these last few months before our little one arrives!  Realizing that as I get closer I will get larger and more tired we are trying to take advantage of this time to wrap up house projects that come with moving into a new home as well as preparing our baby boy's nursery...which we have not even painted yet!  But also trying to balance all of this with lots of quality time with Nathan, each other and our other relationships out here.
  • Feeling really grateful for a smooth and healthy pregnancy so far!

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

You are holding two wonderful bundles now Sonya. I am so happy things are going well and the baby is active. So happy also to see some new pictures today. Love to you all.