Friday, October 14, 2011

The Last Few Weeks

Time for a catch up post! Sit back, relax and get ready for a lot of pictures :)

A few weeks ago we went with our friends, Josh & Amber, to The Classical Academy's (TCA) homecoming football game. Amber teaches high school math and Josh coaches high school basketball at this charter school in Colorado Springs. This school is unique in that the board and many of its teachers are Christians, and while it is not a "Christian" school, it's the next best thing you can get that you don't have to pay for! It also ranks as one of the highest in the state for academics. Doctor Leland, my professor from Focus, has 4 boys who have gone or are still there, and he is on the board. Matt could already envision Nathan playing football there :) We'll just have to see what God has planned for Nathan school-wise when we get to that stage! It really was quite nice to go to a football game where there wasn't cursing and smoking and kids getting into trouble. The fans were fun and pleasant to talk with. Nathan kept cheesing and trying to touch the boys beside us...and the dad thought it was funny. Nathan made new friends!

Ok, on to the pics! Nathan has this new thing of laying his head on people's shoulders, or on his stuffed animals for a few seconds. Here he is cuddling up to Amber!
He kept trying to lay on Josh was hilarious.

Love these two friends.

Amber always take a good picture!

Watching the game with daddy. He LOVED the marching band too!


One Sunday morning after church

Story before bed with mommy (after we had been out that night in the colder weather!)

Out driving the other weekend, we went up a hill and saw this at the top! It was so breath-taking. If only a camera could capture the beauty of the freshly fallen snow on the mountains at sunset.

Home from an excursion. Doesn't he look like a little man here?

Getting into his toys.

I love him!

Trying on some winter coat options.

I know I make it difficult buying several and then returning the rejects! But he plays along really well! I think he liked the squishy sound it made.

This face made me somber.

See what he is doing with his lips? That's his new face of late!

Last week he pulled all of his Arm & Hammer bags (to put dirty diapers in when you are in public places) out of the dispenser and drug it around the apartment because it kept sticking to his foot!


The kid is a ham...

I'm crazy about him!

I wasn't kidding about him dragging it all over the apartment.
He thought it was so funny...giggling like crazy.

We went to look at houses this same night with our realtor, Hannah. Yes, we are looking around at the options to get a feel for what we want! We could buy anytime between now and next summer unless God gives us some indication to put on the brakes! Exciting and scary at the same time. Here we are waiting in the car at the first house because Hannah got stuck in traffic. Nathan didn't know what to do with himself out of his car seat.

I'm posting this picture for you to notice what is in Hannah's arms.
Yep...Nathan! He always reaches for her when we go looking and of course, how can she resist? I think he stole her heart. She lugs him around while we check out the houses. (We really do relieve her...he gets heavy!) How many realtors would do this?

Conked out from a night of house shopping!

A little bit of snow left on Monday after our weekend snow fall. Nathan checking it out. We didn't go out in it on Saturday morning when it was falling because we were making an offer on a house that we fell in love with..which we lost :( We are confident that God won't let us miss the house He has for us, so either that was not the one, or this other offer will fall through in order for us to get it. Honestly, that was much quicker than we meant to put an offer in anyway!

He is always holding his hand out like this to show me the treasures he finds!

Checking out the snow more closely, squishing it in his tiny hands.

I think he likes it!


What did you find now, buddy?
Nice, a dirty plastic bag.

And a stick!

This past Thursday night we grabbed pizza & bread sticks at Li'l Caesars and went back to the park.
Nathan likes pizza! And he really LOVES all of the dogs at the park. He seriously giggles at everyone he sees...and if they bark, all the better! He is crazy about them.

Playing after dinner.



"Good Job, buddy!"


One last coat option!
This is the one I had planned to get all along, the others I saw at Target.

Matt likes this one best. And really, it does probably fit him the best too...with some room to grow since it's only October!

Thank you, Grandma Liz for the early Christmas present!
It didn't take too much convincing that it would be a good gift! I love it when his gifts work out for me :) And check out his awesome boots. He loves stomping around the house in them.

That's all for now. Going to the Pumpkin Patch tomorrow so I'm sure there will be more to come!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for more to come. I have been looking every day of more of Nathan. I love looking at pictures of you guys. Again, Thanks Sonya for taking the time to post them. I like the coat you picked too. G.J.

Deb said...

Can't wait to have him lay his head against my shoulder, and see him walk, and play with him in the park and maybe in the snow..... Love seeing him in the coat Auntie C got him-he looks too grown up! LOVE the grey coat and his sweet little boots!

Matt and Sonya said...

You're welcome, Grandma! I figured you were waiting :)

Awww...Mom Witt. Can't wait for you to experience these things too. I hope we have some weather over Thanksgiving where we can go to the park! And I agree, he looks adorable in the coat from Courtney.