Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Josh & Amber Maternity

So...I still haven't posted most of December and CHRISTMAS!   And here I am posting something else instead.  This past Sunday morning at 8:00 AM when it was less than 10 degrees out...I took some maternity photos of Josh & Amber!  It was FREEZING and they were troopers.  Josh is a Texas boy and he said he has never been so cold in his life.  And as you can see, they don't have lots of layers on!  In the meantime, I had 5 layers on bottom AND top!  Along with hand warmers and feet warmers :)  My husband had me all set!  Here's a few shots to look at it.  If you click on them you can see them a lot better.

The snow was so pretty but I was reminded again that if I continue to shoot photos for others, I really need to get better!  My meter was going crazy with the snow and once I figured things out better they were frozen.  So we didn't get to take a bunch of the Pinterest pose ideas Amber had.  I've talked to some photographer friends for help and tips and while I need to learn more and practice more...I also probably need a much better lens.  Which is what I figured.  More time and money!  So we'll see.  It annoys my perfectionist tendencies to be bad at something I really want to be good at!  Especially since it is for someone else.  Anyway, I hope they got some they like anyway!

Here's an example of the background I wanted...pretty trees and open space.  At the time I couldn't get a good reading and it was all dark.  If I had known I could lighten it up later, I would have had them do a pose here!  Instead of just standing there freezing and waiting for me to figure things out.

Trying to warm up!

We jumped into the car and went to another location that seemed to be a lot better for lighting.  So we snapped a few and then they needed to get warm. There poor hands are exposed!

Do you see the snow blowing in the top left corner? :)  Yep...wind doesn't help anyone to be warm!

One of my favorite.

They really were awesome.  And look adorable.  I loved Amber's outfit with the vest and scarf.  She's 30 weeks!  Baby BOY Luongo is due on March 3rd.  

And this is REALITY!  We did this in between shots while I messed with my camera.  Shannon (the photographer we used in August) told me to make myself shoot in manual and adjust everything myself!  Maybe should have aborted that plan once the cold and snow produced challenges!  She offered to shoot with me for fun...which would be awesome.  I think I should take her up on that...once it warms up :)  She has been really sweet and helpful.  By the way, Nathan says this one is his favorite picture of them!  He likes the coat.  Of course.

Getting ready for this lady's baby shower in a week and a half!

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