Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wrapping Gifts & Christmas Eve

This was December 23rd.  Matt and I though we better get the presents wrapped from our generous parents!  And Aunt Court :)

Our small group can't believe how late Matt and I generally get to bed.  We're not sure how everyone else gets everything done during their kids waking hours!

All ready to go!

The kids actually did surprisingly well with them all sitting out on Christmas Eve during the day!  Josh only pulled off one or two bows :)

Christmas Eve!  Matt worked and then we headed over to Jeff & Lori VanHorn's yearly Christmas Eve get together!  We are so blessed to be invited year after year.  Their family is so welcoming...as long as I bring these along.  Ha ha!  Just kidding :)  But they do like them!  Lori makes delicious lasagna every year!  It's so good!

All ready to go on Christmas Eve!

The boys love playing with all the toys.  Nathan especially looks forward to the teapot set! For real! ha ha.  It's by my left hand.

He also likes to play all the cool games.  I love Jamin's pose :)

Sharpening colored pencils with Landin.

Cherie (talking to Jen) is Kyle's brother, Craig's, wife.  So Jen's sister'n law.  She is due with their fourth soon!  Cherie is going to be going to a mom's conference this weekend (Jan 25th) in Denver with Jen, me, Sarena & Julie.  Brittney can't make it because she has a newborn baby boy!  Lincoln Jude was born on December 19th!

Josh making friends with Kyle's grandpa.  Jeff's dad.

So this was an attempt at a group shot with the boys.  This is the best we got :)

Jamin didn't want to look...and Nathan just wanted to hug Jamin! ha ha.

Now it's Jamin's idea for a picture!

He loves walking!

Oh dear.  Nathan with a baby in his belly, using Josiah's (Craig & Cherie's second oldest) walker.  Josiah has noonan's syndrome but has done really well...and can actually walk now without his walker!

Kyle not letting Nathan pass! :)

I think this was one of Craig and Cherie's dogs.

Me and my pumpkin!

He always makes me smile.  Yes.  He is wanting to put on the butterfly wings.

Arrghh!  Now he's a soldier!  (Daddy grunts...and breathes a sigh of relief!)  ha ha!

Josh coming to get me with his sword!

Back home before going to bed.  We let Nathan open a Christmas Eve gift.  And George is dressed for the holidays in Josh's reindeer pj's from last year.

Josh, happy to help with that bow!

So excited about his Christmas pj's!

Getting a shot with my boys.

"Thank you daddy for my pajamas."



These boys love their daddy!

It's no wonder why.  He's the best!

Nathan chatting away to daddy before bed. No doubt about his time at Jeff & Lori's...and getting to see Jamin :)

It's Christmas tomorrow!!!


mmncgrand said...

Yiu two are ao cute I your sc hats. Iam so glad you have friends. That include you In their celebrations. They seem to have a lot of toys for the kids. Your tree is so beautiful with all the presents. Do you not Put them out until Christmas Eve?

Is there something wrong with Nathan's big toe on his left foot?

Deb said...

Love all the pics! If those grandparents would just wrap their own gifts you wouldn't have to stay up so late doing it for them!

Matt and Sonya said...

Thanks Grandma J :) We are glad to have friends too! We just didn't get them wrapped until Christmas Eve! But it probably was better that way since it would only tempt the boys with them being out all of the time! I don't think there is anything wrong with it. It does seem to look red in that one photo. Sometimes he gets in grown toenails. It could be that, or just the picture!

Thanks Mom Witt! Wrapping AND mailing would be ridiculous! We are very thankful to have had our tree filled up with presents thanks to grandparents :) You saved us shopping time AND money! And late is just the best way to get anything done :)