Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 1-9

It's 2014!!!  Let's play with some trains :)

I had a brilliant idea (or not so) to make brackets for the playoffs.  I didn't expect Matt to take his so seriously.  He was so upset when he realized he did his lines wrong! ha ha.  I love learning every day different things about this man.  We both have our areas of desired perfection.  This was one of his!

Nathan & Matt's.  I will say, Matt's looks nice.  He used a ruler for lines and measurements :)  Nathan sold out on the Eagles and picked them to lose in the first game!!!

Turns out he's a smart kid.  He was right!

Matt's with mine.  I hurriedly drew mine and he laughed when he saw how "not-centered" it was!

My bracket was awful.  I had the Eagles and the Chiefs in the SuperBowl!

Nice of Nathan to share his apple with Josh, huh?

I think he ate this whole apple.  Why have I bothered peeling and cutting these up all this time?

Randomly, we decided to take Nathan's crib rail off.  Josh helping.

They loved climbing up in his bed!

Changed the sheet out too (with a new one of Josh's) to make it feel more "big boy like".

All ready for bed!

Or not.   See the blankets on the floor?  During my time of rocking/chatting/praying with him he was worried about falling out.  So we put the blankets on the floor and practiced him rolling out.  But once I went to leave, he tried to follow me out, flipping on his light switch on the way!  In the end, we put it back on for him to go to sleep.  He wanted it back on and we were too tired and not in the right mind to stick with it.  Plus, we will probably put up a low rail to make him feel more safe.  I'd imagine it's difficult going from a big rail to nothing at all.  Especially for him.  He doesn't love change.  So we will try again in February, maybe!

Ikea trip!  New chairs and table for the boys.

This kid.

The boys playing at the table in Nathan's room.

Daddy putting Nathan's book shelf/cubby hole thing together for Nathan's big boy room!

Moved the boys to Josh's room so Matt could work.  Yes, Nathan wanted to be a parrot.

How in the world does that costume still fit him???

Josh with the piggy banks.  He loves that chair.

Brushing teeth before bed.

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

Such fun at your house. I love Josh on his tip toes using the screwdriver. You are so patient Matt letting the boys help you. I. Like your big boy bed Nathan. I hope you sleep well in it all night long.