Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Week before Flying to PA

We decided to make some doughnuts for some fall fun!  Here's a video too.

Concentrating on his sprinkles.

Notice his red mustache?  He gets these in the winter when he has a cold and his nose is running...from licking his lip!  Silly.  And gross!

A little hand slipped into my picture :)

Clean up and admiring the beauties.

We went to Kyle & Jen's with all of the couples and kids for a Thanksgiving meal!  So fun watching all of the boys play together.  A few of them in Jamin's room with the lights out!  Jamin has a night light that puts fish on the ceiling and wall!

Dave & Sarena came too!  They are going to be joining our small group the 1st of the year!

Look at Jonah in the corner with Nathan's shoe :)  This cute will be a big brother in just a few weeks!

Josh was so funny way up on the stool!  That's Sarena and her son, Danny in the corner.

I caught Nathan feeding his dessert to Malachi! 

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

Were these donuts the ones you ate in the parking lot? Ha!!