Thursday, May 19, 2011

Random Nathan

Sleeping in his crib, one leg out.
It was actually sticking much further out of the slot, but when the flash popped up he is actually pulling it back into the crib here!

This kid loves to put EVERYTHING in his mouth, but he especially loves shoes.

Ok, I'll take a break to pose

And back at it!

Taking his dirty diapers to the trash with Daddy...eww! Don't eat it Nathan!

Story time with mama.

This was hilarious. Nathan has this book from his Grandma Witt that is cloth and unfolds to be pretty long. Well, he found the felt ears of a doggy in it and he started sucking on it. But, he wouldn't let go of it! Even when Matt picked him up and brought him to our bedroom he held on tightly with his mouth.

And continued to do so even as he crawled around the floor! Notice the lid to my cup by him too...he loves that straw as well. He insisted on keeping that with him too.

He looked like a doggy, himself :)

Another trash run. He goes through these fast! I thought he looked cute in his gloves.

Sneaking in to his room to take a picture of him sleeping again...and praying he doesn't hear me and wake up!!


Anonymous said...

He is so precious, i love seeing sleeping babies. I like it that you read to him too. Is this a nightly procedure? Grandma J.

Matt and Sonya said...

No, it's not every night. But we will read some throughout the day too. It isn't always a part of his bedtime routine because sometimes he is so tired I just feed him and put him down! He has just recently allowed me to read to him where he is not grabbing the book the entire time and trying to eat it :) ha ha