Friday, May 13, 2011

My First Mother's Day

Sunday was a special day for first Mother's Day!

People always told me that motherhood was great but there is just no way to describe or understand it until you have experienced it firsthand. Last Mother's Day I could only dream of what it would be like. And, I had no clue what I was in for! It is much sweeter than I could have ever imagined.

I didn't know that Matt and I, every night, would tip toe into Nathan's room together, just to gaze at him sleeping in his crib. Sometimes we stifle our laughter when we see his face planted against the mattress, or his little legs propped up on the crib bars. And the times when he moves around from sensing our presence (or hearing our whispers!) we race as quietly as possible out of his room as not to wake him!

I had no idea that when I run to the gym while Matt watches him in the evening, that it wouldn't feel quite right in the car alone! Out of habit, I glance in my rearview mirror to check on him in the back seat. Or when I come to a stoplight I find myself wanting to turn around and make faces and talk to him to get him to smile back at me in his mirror! I delight in these times in the car and almost miss them when he's not there. Yet, before him, especially in my marketing positions, I knew nothing about having a passenger riding in the car with me!

People said my life would change and I could never go back to how it was before. They were so right. And I'm glad they were! I'm exceedingly grateful this Mother's Day for an incredible husband whose desire is for me to spend my time raising our little boy. Who is willing to make the sacrifice for that to happen instead of thinking of all of the material possessions he is missing out on in the meantime. He is such a wonderful daddy that gets down on the floor and plays with Nathan. He comes home at the end of his work day happy to change diapers or feed him supper. And to watch him while I go get some exercise! And he made sure my first Mother's Day was special. He had Nathan all ready to go in this "My Mommy Rocks" onesie! It made my heart melt when I saw Matt carry him into our bedroom with this shirt on and a present for me.

Indian giver. Tries to eat my card after he gives it to me! :)


Reading the card together:

Daddy & Nathan's card is on the left.
My mom sent me the one of the right, and my very funny sister 'n law, Age, sent me the one in the middle! Notice what it says on the outside "I can't walk, or breathe, I'm dizzy, and my feet are numb, but I'm BACK in the pre-baby jeans!"

Here's the inside

And then she put a P.S. that told me to check the back.
ha ha! This card cracked me up. It is so true!

The gift bag had pajama jeans in them! I had seen these on TV and Jen and I have been talking about them ever since! They look like jeans but feel like pajamas. The looked so perfect in the TV ad. Then mom told me that Wal-Mart carried them and Matt got them for me for Mother's Day! Bad news, though. They looked TERRIBLE on me. More like "Mom Jeans". Matt suspected this would be the case, so he had a back up plan. Nathan and he bought me this watch that I love:

We went out to lunch after church with Andy & Lauren & our friend Ashley. We snapped some Mother's Day pics on the porch when we got home.

Family shot (Matt and I got a little too much sun on Saturday!)

My boys

One happy mama and her baby boy




Do you remember this dress, mom? I think I have owned it for 8 or 9 years! We got it in King of Prussia and it has since been altered by the one and only Tony probably 5 years ago! :) I still love it! You have good taste.

Speaking of my mom, Happy Mother's Day to her! Thank you for loving me sacrificially, being patient with me and truly being the best mom I could ever ask for. I watch you with Nathan, and I take notes :) You are a natural and I'm striving to love my kiddo as much as you love us! I'm also praying to God for your patience :) Though you probably achieved your level of patience by raising me! I'm hoping to not get it that way! ha ha. Love you so much Mom!!!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post Sonya. It made me cry. You are a wonderful Mom and as you said Matt is such a good Daddy. We are proud of our little family. Keep up the good work. God will bless you abundantly. Love, Grandpa and Grandma J.

Anonymous said...

I loved this post! So fun to read about the changes that have happened in your life... :) Sonya, you are such an inspiring mother!

I also love the pic of Matt and Nathan - they have the SAME smile!!

-Tawny :)

Matt and Sonya said...

Thank you so much, Grandma. We feel very blessed with our little family :)

And thanks, Tawny! You are so sweet. I'm definitely a work in progress...thanks to God for that :) And you are right about Nathan & Matt's smile! Now how about you & Clayton get your tails out here! :)