Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nathan in the Cabinet!

We're in trouble now! Nathan figured out how to open the cabinet door and pull himself up into it in order to grab it's contents this week. Guess it's time for safety locks!

Here's the progression for your viewing pleasure:
(And yes, I sat there and snapped pictures while he got into mischief! :) He needs to have some feelings of conquest! Plus, the grandparents might want to see it.)






And the prize!!!
Ok, time to put the camera down and take his prize away!

The good news is this is the only cabinet door he has tried to open. He hasn't touched any of the others yet. I won't tell him the others work the same way if you don't :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute!! We have pictures of M/M doing this too. Only they cleaned out the cupboard and then climbed in. You can accomplish so much more when you have a helper. I have to sign my name because I am using anonymous- I don't know what to do with the other options. Grandma J