Monday, February 21, 2011

More February Nathan Pics

Once Nathan learned to roll from his back to his stomach, he does it all of the time now when he is playing.

I guess you could say he has "mastered" his stimulation gym. I set it up for him and next thing I know he has pulled the arch down right on top of him!

I guess he needed the toys closer so he could eat them!

He still uses his Mamaroo swing! It's not as roomy as it used to be :) But it still does the trick!

It's especially good when he is winding down or waking up. Otherwise, he tries to squirm out of it :)

Kicking his newest toy...a penguin! He loves whacking it with his hand too. It always bounces back for another hit. Best of all, it's it stores easily! Thanks Grandma Liz!


Daddy was glad we could get another wear out of this onesie. It's so sad when he grows out of the cute ones!

Getting ready for bed.

So we took some pictures in Nathan's "I'm Super" outfit from Aunt Nicole.

It started out well.


Then I stood him up to give Nicole the looks she had envisioned...him running around in his sneakers with the cape on. Of course, it doesn't look like he will be in this by the time he is walking, so we improvised!
He usually can stand a little better...but wasn't very interested. I thought he was tired.

I had to keep a hand out to make sure he didn't fall!

Here he collapsed and tried to eat his shoes.

And we tried to fly...


And that was it it! He was done.
And I finally figured out what was bothering him. Sorry to say it Courtney, but I think he is officially out of his Nike Shox. They were hurting his feet! And I think standing him up is what really took it over the top. When he wore them to small group last week he got really upset then too and I couldn't figure out what was wrong because it is unusual to not be able to calm him down. I finally took his clothes off...trying anything to make him feel better. He stopped crying, but I think it was the fact that I took his SHOES off is what gave him relief. Hopefully I catch on more quickly next time!

Here we are after small group last night. A happy boy, with no shoes on!
Matt mentioned how crazy it was that we used to take my weekly pregnancy shots in front of this same window...with Nathan in my belly. I love that I can hold him in my arms now!

I got my hair cut before small group. I wanted it shorter, but she took me shorter than we discussed. So I'm getting used to it. Matt likes it. And Nathan just loves being in his diaper :)


Matt said...

This is my new homepage on my device. It takes FOREVER to load the pictures, but it is fun to see him in the heading each time I open my browser!

Matt and Sonya said...

Awww-You're cute!

mmncgrand said...

I will try again.Ican't get my comment to appear. Loved the pictures - send more.

Deb said...

Matt can hang the shoes from the rear view mirror now!