Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fun with Nathan

A few photos from the last week.

This first one is for you mom. I tried to capture what Nathan does before falling asleep in his crib so I took a picture of the monitor.
He takes his monkey security blanket and covers his whole face with it! Then he falls asleep underneath it and I sneak in to pull it off of his face :) It's so funny!

Nathan and Jamin at small group

Nathan checking out Jamin

Nathan bundled up for the cold. How cute are these mittens that his daddy picked up for him at Wal-Mart?

Making pudding!


Fun with Mama

His hugs are the best!

Biting Mama's nose and pulling her earring all at the same time!


mmncgrand said...

Thats no fair Sonya, you are having all the fun. Has he said anything that resembles Mama or Dada yet?

mmncgrand said...

In that one picture of him looking right at you, he is probably thinking "I sure have a pretty mommie". Don't you agree Matt?

Deb said...

Did your mommy share any pudding with you Nathan? The video picture is too funny.

Matt and Sonya said...

Grandma-Sometimes his babble resembles "mom-mom" but I don't think it's on purpose! And thank you, that's very sweet of you to say! I hope Matt agrees :)

Mom W- Nope! The fun is in making it right?

Matt said...

I am sure that is exactly what he is thinking grandma!