Thursday, August 23, 2012

Prayer Please

I mentioned in my 35 weeks post that I was having some SI (sacroilliac) joint pain recently.  Well, it started on Sunday and has progressively gotten worse throughout the week.  I'm at the point where I can barely walk because putting any pressure on my right side is far too painful.  It hurts to walk, to go up and down stairs, to get up from the couch or out of bed (or to sit down or get in bed), to turn left or right in bed, last night to sleep in any position in bed!  Matt and I think it is the SI joint and Matt has talked to some of his co-workers as well but because it also seems to be affecting my piriformis muscle and possibly my sciatic's hard to tell what is going on.  I guess it can be difficult to determine what exactly is happening because they all are near each other and can all be related.

I went to the doctor's for my 36 week appointment today and completely fell apart in front of him.  I just couldn't hold it together anymore.  The pain has been excruciating and I am fearful from what I have been told that this is what it will look like up until labor and potentially for months beyond.  He was kind and a bit more hopeful.  He did refer me to a physical therapist that specializes in women's health and I was able to get an appointment tomorrow due to a cancellation.  So we will see what that brings.

The therapist that Matt works with who has done a lot with SI joint pain (for pregnant women) said she couldn't do anything for me except fit me for an SI belt.  She said that I'm too close to delivery at this point.  She also said that this could continue for 2-3 months after delivery and even longer if I am breastfeeding because of the hormones in my body that are relaxing the ligaments.  This was not exactly what I wanted to hear.

So I'm trying to stay strong and not think about what this could actually mean for us in the next several months.  I hate that I can't take my very social little boy to the gym, the park, on walks or even to the store!  I also do not like for Matt to have so much on him in terms of housework, dinners, help with Nathan, getting Nathan out of the house at night so he isn't stir crazy, etc.  I hate having to tell Nathan I can't pick him up.  I hate that it takes me a half hour to get down and up the stairs (exaggeration, of course).  I can't even begin to think of how it will be if I still have this pain for months after our second little boy arrives.  Any time I sit and think about these things I just fall apart.

Pray for me to just take one day at a time, to stay strong for Nathan, keep an upbeat attitude, and be grateful no matter what the circumstances bring us.  I know that no matter what, this is only temporary.  I have been spoiled by relatively easy pregnancies and I need to be praising God that this did not show up until I was in my 35th week.  Also, while I don't know what brought this on, I can't try to figure out what I did wrong to cause this.  We just need to move forward, hopeful and smart about the activities I engage in.  I know God has a plan and reason for everything, and I need to trust Him right now.  I am exceedingly grateful for a loving, sacrificial husband who will do anything to make my life easier and alleviate any of my pain that he can.  I'm also grateful for a sweet little boy who saw his mommy cry a little tonight and ran to get me tissues.  But again, I don't want him to see this often.  I want him to feel safe and secure and for us to find a way to enjoy this time together.

Thanks for your love and prayers.  We need them right now.  Sonya


Nicole said...

Sonya, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through so much pain. I'll be praying for strength, endurance and relief!

courtneywitt said...

Sonya, I will definitely be praying for you, Matt and Nathan. I hope this pain starts to decrease soon. I can't imagine being in that kind of pain and still taking care of a 2 year old. I'll pray for additional strength to keep up with everything.
Love you, Courtney

Matt and Sonya said...

Thank you very much, ladies! I'm still in pain but had a good PT appt today. My SI was out of alignment in two places. The hard part will be keeping them IN alignment...if I can, my pain should improve! Going to see how the weekend goes and see her again on Monday.

Pap ad Gram said...

Sonya, we have been keeping in touch with your mom and praying for you. It makes me sad to know you are hurting but the Lord is near and He will help you through this. Will be anxious to know how you get through the weekend and your visit on Monday. Love and Prayers Pap and Gram

Matt and Sonya said...

Thanks, Gram! I love you so much. If we lived close we could be in pain together! It does not seem to be getting better at all. It's very frustrating as I know you understand this feeling best. Thank you so much for your prayers and love. It means the world to me. Miss you.