Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Skills

Matt called it...every time we go to Pennsylvania he says Nathan reaches new milestones. Well, Grandma Liz showed Nathan that he could crawl up on all fours instead of dragging himself, and he also worked on standing and pulling himself up. But in the last week or so since we have been back to Colorado, he has learned to do these things on his own...and is now exploring our home in a new way.

The Tuesday after we got home, I heard him grunting in his room. I walked into to check out the scene and this is what I found...

He pulled himself up in his his knees. Grandma Liz was trying to get him to do this in her crib but he would always reach for her to pull up instead of grabbing the crib. I think the grunting was him trying to stand up.

He was pretty pleased with himself.

Surveying the scene..."is it worth it to try to stand?"

"Are you watching me, Mama?"

"Did it!"

Now, for the prize...can he get it?

Got it!

Yep, you guessed it. We had to move the ipod, his monitor cord and camera (he got to that as well), and lower his crib. Just making sure Daddy is doing it right.

He's pulling up on absolutely EVERYTHING now. Coffee table, end tables, tv stand (we're putting and end to that), walls, pack 'n play, us! He'll try anything.

He likes the new world to discover at this height.

And sometimes doesn't like it when he can't have everything in this new world!
I put these flowers away now too :)

He's done this a few time too

He can pull these bins out from his crib. It's great fun for him. Twice I found his Colorado onesie that was laying on top IN his crib! And sometimes the bin of clothes is laying of the floor when he pulls it all of the way out :) This is a fun stage.

Like I said, he is crawling on all fours now instead of dragging himself around in the "Scooter crawl" (that's what the doctor called it at his 9 month appt). Matt has a video of this that I will try to get him to post soon so you can see him in action!


Anonymous said...

Oh my he is do darn cute. What is on his head? Save a few new things for Aug, Nathan. G.J.

Anonymous said...

I needed to go to the next post. Now I know.

Matt and Sonya said...

Maybe he can walk for you in August, Grandma! Yep-band explanation on previous post :)

Deb said...

Time to re-arrange the bedroom. He looks so very proud of himself, and when he smiles like that, how can you be upset with him?!

Matt and Sonya said...

So true, Mom. Sometimes we have to turn our face away to laugh and then turn around with a serious look if it is something we are trying to teaching him NOT to do! :)
Although, he can pull out the bins all day if he wants, that doesn't bother me!