Thursday, April 14, 2011


Back on the PA post, we added a video. You can find it under the picture of Nathan in the crib in his monkey PJ's. We thought it was really funny that night. But maybe you had to be there!

Also, we have another video to share. I mentioned in an earlier post that Nathan was having some trouble falling asleep in his crib since we came back from PA. The first few days he would cry when we left the room. From my friend, Jen's suggestion, I actually climbed in the crib with him so he wouldn't be scared. It worked for Jamin, but not Nathan. He continued to cry! I don't think he appreciated me hogging his bed :) We had some funny pictures of this, but we accidentally deleted them! Anyway, every day it got a little better and after a week he his back on his game and is completely happy to be in his crib alone. While Courtney was still here, I was trying to get him to take a nap. For some reason I thought I would just sit on the recliner and read a book quietly while he fell asleep. I don't think he even realized I was still in his room because his crib bumper blocked me from his view. So he is just playing in his crib and then he rolls over onto his stomach and gets up on his hands. He glances over at the recliner and peers at me over his bumper. When he sees me, he just starts laughing out loud! He thought it was so funny! He would then start rolling in his crib and then pop up again to look at me. He got right up against the crib bars and stuck his nose through and giggled again. It was SO cute!

So anyway, last night I put him in his crib to see if he would do it for Matt. He still found it funny, although he wasn't quite as hysterical as the first time. You can see that video here. Enjoy!

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

He is certainly a cute monkey in a cage. Such a happy little felow.