Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nicole's Camp

The next day after Matt's first day of work, Saturday, Mark & Rosie & Nicole came by to see our apartment. Mark & Rosie were in Denver to cheer on Rosie's brother at a Junior Olympics Dressage event. Nicole was a counselor for the summer at a camp not far from the Springs. So it was a perfect opportunity for us all to spend time together when we are usually miles apart!

We all went up to Nicole's camp for the day to see what she has been experiencing all summer! We went on two hikes with beautiful views. The second hike went up to the cross that you see pictured here. At this cross is the only location at camp that Nicole was able to get cell phone coverage. This is where she would make her calls home from!

We took some pictures from the top, but I always tend to prefer pictures of people close-up and I completely miss the scenery! Camera's never do it justice anyway, I didn't even have my good camera with me for the hike. This a good one of Mark & Rosie though...who needs the mountains!

Matt fell in love with this jeep that we saw up at camp. We might need a new savings account called "Jeep Dreams". And here is a shot of Rosie and I that also captures the mountains! Yes!

We left Nicole at camp that night for her last week as counselor and Mark, Rosie, Matt and I went back down to the Springs for some ice cream and touring. Mark & Rosie flew out on Sunday to head back to Orlando.


Deb said...

It's so amazing how things worked out that you all were there for that weekend together! Such a "God thing."

Anonymous said...

That day was so fun! Two of my favorite things to do include hanging out with friends/family and doing something active outdoors...and when combining those 2 things happens, its like a dream come true! I think that is why both this visit to CO and the trip to Hilton Head was so much fun for me! Of course, that is just one reason why HH was so great(wink, wink):) Love, Rosie