Tuesday, December 23, 2014

November Race Tracks & Candy Apples

Daddy look-a-like day! (And Geroge)

The pumpkins got some stickers.

Most times when Matt rocks Josh he falls asleep and I have to wake him up!


The Schwartz's were so sweet and gave Matt and I a date night to say thank you for taking Michael's newborn photos.  They gave us dinner out AND watched our boys!  Plus Sarena made candy apples with the boys.

The boys enjoyed them!

Grandma sent out race track from one of David's old sets.  The boys bought some more pieces with their birthday money from Grandpa & Grandma J to make it even longer!

Josh's nice Victoria's Secret bag to carry his cars! ha ha.

This is how they carried their cars up and down the stairs.

Grumpy parrot on the couch?

Ramping the cars into the basket.

This parrot made an appearance MANY times in November!

Peek a boo!

I love their laughter.

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

As I said. I love all their expressions. It is fun for them to have money to spend.