Wednesday, February 26, 2014

First Half of February

Shoveling snow on February 1st!   We got a lot of snow in a week or two span.  Hardly felt worth it to shovel, as it would snow more the following day!

Josh was so funny.  He would fall over and stay in this position saying "Mama, Mama" until I rescued him! (stood him back up)

My snow angel :)

Josh and I throwing snow on Nathan.  Great fun until Nathan got a big shovel and dumped it right on Josh's face!  That's when we went in.  Josh was sort of done :)

Talking to Grandma J on the phone.

That night (Saturday) we decided to take the boys to Bass Pro Shops for fun.  Anytime it snows, we love to get out in it!  My parents always do this too :)  We didn't realize it was to continue snowing through the night so we called Nicole & Cactus to see if they wanted to join us!

We were there awhile before they arrived, so we checked out the "fishies"!  Matt had brought them here the weekend I was in Denver for the conference, so we already knew they loved this place!

It really is so cool!

Fish face!

Nice bear!

Here is a video of the night.

Riding a four wheeler with Cactus!

Josh & Nicole checking out the smaller one.

So as you can see, they braved the snow and made it!

Nathan loved these things.  He was back and forth on them and off of them.  Cactus would shake them for us and we all piled in for a ride!  They boys loved the boats they had there too.  Such a fun place!

Taking a ride with Aunt Cole!

Nathan's driving...scary :)

Josh touching the bear.

And there's daddy!  He was with us too :)

The following week we spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was going on with our dryer.  Matt even took the whole thing apart!

We totally laughed about this, because it was kind of unnecessary!  But at least we know everything is intact in there! ha ha.

For those interested, our dryer vent was clogged.  It runs a long way down in our basement and out the side of our house. 

You were right dad! :)  Anyway, it was just a LITTLE clogged! ha!

Yes, we know.  Fire hazard.

In other February we took Nathan's crib rail off again.  This time we put up a safety rail and he loved it.  I think he felt safer.

Josh loved it too because he could climb in Nathan's bed!

And they both love this new reading light from Ikea. 

Nathan reading George a book :)

And he's out!  He even turned his light off and it tucked it away and towards the wall before falling asleep.  I love this kid.

Another fun thing we did with his crib was make a fort.

Nathan was into making and sending "mail" this particular week.  We would make an envelope, tuck something in it, put a sticker "Stamp" on the outside and address it.  He'd even "mail" it in one of his empty toy bins.  Here he's giving Daddy his mail!

A fish was in his envelope!

Pretty quickly we moved from the crib to the bed after he had the safety rail.  He was all for it, and we just went with it before he changed his mind.  We got this bed at Ikea (of course) and mattress at Sam's for him.  However, we forgot the bottom frame boards at Ikea so we were going to need to make another trip!  Josh like it like this because he could sit on the ledge since the mattress is on the floor :)

The frame boards don't make it all that much higher though.  It's a really low bed which is awesome for them climbing on and off.  And for when Nathan falls out. ha ha. I'll save that for another post!

Our car needed a good scrubbing after all of the icky weather lately!  We had some sunshine so we headed outside to spray off the mats.  We love these mats!

Somebody started having fun with the hose while daddy wasn't looking.

Nathan got wet on the bottom, so we lost his pants inside :)


mmncgrand said...

So wonderful to see some more shots of you all. Love the bed and tent and outside fun and seeing Nicole and Cactus. Looked like you all had fun.

mmncgrand said...

Your hair is beautiful Sonya, really getting long.

mmncgrand said...

Grandpa wants to know if Josh's hat under his hood is a coons skin cap like his?

Matt and Sonya said...

Thanks so much, Grandma! That's really sweet. I just noticed the other day "man, my hair is getting LONG!" Matt likes it curled like this so I try to put the effort in when I can. Dry shampoo has changed my world so I don't have to wash it everyday!

Matt and Sonya said...

I think Matt answered the question about Josh's hat the other day, right? I don't think it's real, whatever it is! :)