On Saturday, Daddy and Nathan watering some grass seed in this patch on the lawn that gets hit by A LOT of sun. We have watering restrictions this summer as the winter did not help much to get rid of our water deficit. We can only water the grass with our sprinkler system on Wednesdays and Sundays.

After Josh's first nap, we went on a walk to the park, and Nathan rode his new Strider bike!

This was kind of a mistake. We went to Bicycle Village one Saturday afternoon a few weeks ago to kill time as we waited for our white comforter to wash & dry at a local laundromat (long story, Josh peed on it during his 6 month photo shoot and the whole laundromat ordeal ended with buying a new one after spending the majority of our day in and out of the laundromat!) Anyway, Nathan got on these balance bikes at the store that are supposed to teach children to balance first and then when it's time for a real bike with pedals, it's supposed to be easy to transition without training wheels. Jamin has one so Nathan was familiar with it and totally fell in love. We decided this weekend to get him one as an early birthday present (August birthdays are tough!). The store has a 30 day guarantee that if you don't like the bike for whatever reason after 30 days you can return it for a full weekend. So, if he doesn't get the hang of it, or loses interest, we figure we have an out. Though Nathan would probably be heartbroken!
Here's a YouTube video of a 3 year old going biking with his dad on his Strider.
Josh ready for our walk!

Our two boys!

Josh thinking, "WHAT is on your head, Nathan?!"

Safety first!
Nathan thrilled as can be.

Trying his bike out on the trail.

He even has elbow pads, knee pads, and gloves to protect his palms. I know, I know! Loosen up, mom! I really hate cleaning out cuts. And he didn't seem to mind them at all!

THIS was hilarious. He stopped his bike to dismount and pick a flower (dandelion) for mommy!

Mom trying to help show him how to pick his feet up and balance once he gets going.

I think the camera strap got in the way!
It was kind of hard to explain without showing him on our own bike.

He did try. Funny how his hands open up on the handle bars when he lifts his feet!


It takes some time to get it. I think he's fine with putting in the practice though. He's always asking to ride his bike or put it in the back of our car if we go somewhere now!
Made it to the park.

Swinging happily in his gear.

Josh, taking it in.

Lunchtime. Somebody is tired! :)

This taco casserole was SO good! I found the recipe online and it is super easy and fast. Right up my alley.
Josh woke up from his nap before Nathan woke up from his. He was refreshed!

Watching commentary on the Eagles draft pick with daddy. Josh was totally into it.

Jim and Karla had been asking when they could watch the boys again for us the last few weeks. Tonight was the night! Matt and I dropped them off and went to Borriello Brother's for Pizza and then headed to this park in Black Forest we had never been to.

Just like in college, we threw football.

We had a lot fun.

When we got to Jim & Karla's the boys were happy as could be...especially Nathan. He said he wanted to stay over night! Where did he get that from? ha ha. Jim & Karla had invested in some new toys too that Nathan loved. He was hyper as can be when we got there. They were completely entertained by him and telling us stories of him correcting them on color...the plate they called blue, he let them know was "greenish-blue". Jim claims that is all from his mother. What? :) Apparently, he had been alternating between orange juice and apple juice a lot of the night so he was a little hyper. And he feasted on the "nacho" part of their loaded nachos meal! No wonder he was having a good time. Also, he was sitting up in Jim's recliner like he owned the place. We are told Nathan is the only other male Jim will share his chair with. Oh dear! Karla told Matt while I was feeding Josh in another room that she really enjoys watching the boys but that Jim REALLY enjoys it. She calls it a play date for Jim! It's obvious he is crazy about our kids. Makes the parents feel good about leaving them there for awhile!
1 comment:
Three new posts. I can handle this. Wonderful pictures. Glad your long weekend was great and sunny. Love you all.
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