Josh playing.

This was a few weeks ago when his balance wasn't great. Notice I put a pillow behind him? ha ha.

Nathan wanted to wear "ummermers" this day. I thought "why not?" He wanted to see the bike and couldn't so I took a pic for him to see them!

This ended with him peeing on the kitchen floor. That's why not.
When he wears underwear or a pull-up, he prefers no pants. And he likes his doggie to wear Josh's clothes.

Nathan was going to the potty pretty well before dad's visit. Then playing was a lot more fun! I think I'm going to give it a rest for awhile. My nephew just decided one day it was time, and he never looked back. My doctor said the same thing. Has to be their decision. That sounds nice to me. I'd prefer not to always hound him about it. He does better when I don't, actually.
Check out Josh's cute shoes! One doesn't stay on too well, but oh well. I haven't done the shoe thing as much with Josh as with Nathan. No time for it anymore! Wait until he's walking :)

On this day when Nathan wanted to play outside (even though it was raining) he also insisted on having a scarf. He doesn't have a scarf but he saw that George (Curious George, that is) had one when he went outside to play on his DVD. So I got him one of mine. He's such a clown. He loved it.

This was just the other day, I found Nathan in this get-up. That's his Burger King crown. And we had just been to a tree farm earlier this day where Matt wore the Bjorn with Josh in it. So of course, he needed to carry Doggie in it too. And he wanted me to make him a "stoplight". The ottomans and blue tape on the carpet was the best I came up with in a second. He is always asking me, "Mommy, where's my wash...garage...etc. He loves to pretend to do the things we do.

Nathan letting Josh play with his train set! Learning to share. Had to happen sometime! And crash goes the track and trains :)

Next up, Mother's Day and Dad's visit. I will have to save that for another day! I just posted four new don't miss any!
Aren't boys fun?!
Indeed they are, Mom Witt! Some days I think I'm going to go crazy, and other days I want a third one! Don't tell Matt that :) He'll remind me of the crazy days! ha.
I just got home from TX and I have been sitting at the computer for over an hour enjoying all the pictures. Those boys are so adorable. Josh is getting so much bigger, and sitting there so good. I miss all of you so much.
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