Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Josh is 8 Months Old

Time is flying and Josh is 8 months old.  He is entering such a fun age.  He is so much more content as he can sit and play with toys for a long time.  He also loves playing in his crib forever when he wakes up and has the cutest giggle around!  He finally got his first tooth too!  This was actually just a few days ago.  Well, we noticed it on Sunday, May 19th anyway.  So, shortly after he turned 8 months old in came in.

He loves being outside, playing with Nathan's cars, trains and blocks, his pappy (pics of that to come in another post!), and especially his BROTHER!  I can't believe how crazy he seems to be about Nathan.  Nathan can get him to laugh just by looking at him.  But Josh especially likes it when Nathan runs around the house like a crazy person.  He is also getting to the age where his personality is really starting to shine through.  He can make his wishes known with squeals of delight or loud, shrill squeals of protest!  He is finally sleeping better at night too which makes me SO happy!  He can go for 5-6 hours without eating and when he often wakes up about 3 hours into it, a diaper change and back to sleep without crying has been the new trend.  AND he has just recently been waking around 6 and then going back to sleep until 8:30.  I feel like a new woman!  Even though I still get up with a few times at night,  I feel so much more rested than the previous months.  I'm so grateful for this.

He loves to roll over on me when I try to change his diaper so I try to keep things on hand to keep his attention.  When he spots something he wants, it is near impossible to distract him with something else.  He is so determined!  He loves trying out his new skills and it is fun to watch him progress and become a little more independent.  He is a tough little guy as he has to be since his older brother still occasionally clocks him as he walks by!  I know, I don't get it.  Nathan is crazy about Josh but he has a funny way of showing it sometimes.

He is such a sweet boy.  I love him so much!

This is just a random day (near his 8 month birthday) where after giving Josh a bath, I set him in the hallway to play with bath toys while I gave Nathan one too.
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Then in our room.
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He melts my heart!
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1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

Happy Birthday big boy. You are growing up way too fast. You melt Grandma J's heart sweet one.