Ahhh...Memorial Day Weekend. Great weather. Good times.
On Saturday morning we took the boys to Villa Sport's (our gym) outdoor pools for the first time! In fact, this is Josh's FIRST experience with a pool!

He wasn't elated. However, he and I were both sick/nauseous the night before so that could have contributed.
Nathan's so cooperative for photos these days!
You can see the kids' slide behind them here.
And a lazy river with the big slides behind that! They have water slide competitions that Matt says he is training for :)
On Sunday we went over to Kyle & Jen's so Matt could help Kyle get ready for the turf they are laying in their backyard. And me the boys got to hang out with Jen and their boys! They have an awesome swing set with sand under it!
Josh seemed to like it!
Matt & Kyle hard at work. Don't you love how their trampoline is dug into the ground?
Landin crawling to Josh!
Love watching these two play together.
Ha ha. You can see Landin hanging with the big boys and getting into the pool.
This is going to look SO good with all of the green! Kyle and Jen have done a lot of great stuff to their yard.
Josh and I chillin' in the hammock.
He's too cute.
The guys taking a break out of the sun after burgers.
Kyle got a ball stuck in the tree!

It's no wonder Nathan loves going to their house...fun stuff to do and fun people!
While the boys napped I got my hair cut later.
Then we went to Jim & Karla's to have cake! Look at this awesome job Jen did on Jim's cake! Check out the corn stalks on the front.

Jim thought it was great.
Nathan fell. Karla making it all better with a bandaid of course. A Tigger bandaid, no less.
Josh & Andrea
Andrea just graduated from college that weekend!
Nathan having Buddy give his doggy a ride :)

Nathan had named his doggy "Buddy", but after going to Kyle & Jen's he's been calling him "Malachi" (their dog) :)
Mommy & Josh that night
Both my boys!
On Monday night, Memorial Day, Mom Witt (who was in town), Nicole & Cactus came over for dinner!
Nicole and Josh!
Nana & Nathan chatting.
Nathan wanted to ride his bike on the path. We showed Papa with FaceTime.
He really loves this bike. And he has started to balance on it!
Nana taking a picture of the tiny flower in Nathan's hair!