Tuesday, March 19, 2013

January 2013

Oh January!  We hoped for more sleep in the New Year but we had our fair share of challenges with Nathan's broken leg, Josh still not sleeping well at night and Josh having RSV as well as Nathan most likely having it as well...but it was more like a bad cold for him then it was for Josh.  But we made it through and have some fun memories to look back on.

Nathan likes to copy cat what he sees mommy do with Josh, with his doggy.  It's cute.
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Daddy got really good at wrapping Nathan's leg for a bath but we were ready to not have to do this anymore!
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Mommy reading to her boys.
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Love snuggling with my baby in the Moby.
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Matt's turn!
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When I get the chance, I like to sneak off to this!
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Nathan thought his doggy and monkey needed to do tummy time with Josh.
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Nathan "vacuuming" with his doggy in the "Mofee" wrap.
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Just like mommy.

Multi-tasker is talking to pappy on the phone.
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Doggy fell down the stairs and broke his leg :(  Nathan is fixing him up with a red "cwast"
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Josh is 4 months old!
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We all went in for Nathan's 4 week appointment to re-xray his leg to see if his bone had healed and if he needed an immobilizer.  Sam cutting his cast off!  This scared Nathan a little at first, and then he was fine.
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Yay!  The doctor said "he couldn't be happier with the healing" and that Nathan was done with the cast and didn't need a brace!
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Celebrating at Dairy Queen!
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It took Nathan a few days to be able to walk comfortably again, but he did and we are grateful to have that chapter behind us!  But are also reminded that certain trials don't last as long as you expect and aren't as bad as you expect either.

Sweet baby boy has RSV.  More than likely Nathan got it at the gym (he was sick for awhile) and then gave it to Josh.  Although, I suppose Josh could have picked it up at Nathan's ortho appt too.  Who knows how...but this is where we were at.
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The first 2-3 days were probably the worst.  Lots of suctioning, taking him into the bathroom with the hot, steamy shower, humidifier, nasal spray etc.  He went to his 4 month appointment and that's where they told me it was RSV and we waited for his shots.  He was a mess at that appointment...it was pitiful.  RSV was rampant in Colorado Springs this winter.
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Mom sent this beautiful parrot out to match Nathan's Halloween costume she got him. Ha. Of course he wanted to experience them together!
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Enjoying a nice day outside while Nathan napped!
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Feeling better, starting sleep training, starting to be a happier content little boy all around!
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Liking his humidifier.
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Cutie with his loop blanket from Jessie!
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And so concludes our January!


mmncgrand said...

What is RSV stand for? I knew he was sick but don't know what that means. He even looks happy when he is sick.

Matt and Sonya said...

RSV is Respiratory syncytial virus. It can especially be serious with young infants. A friend of ours baby was admitted to the hospital. But it wasn't that serious with Josh and thankfully he had 4 months under his belt when he caught it.