Sunday, November 10, 2013

Playing in the Leaves

We got an H&M at our mall!  The boys in their matching hats that I bought them there

Maybe Josh has the creative eye for photography.  His first shot :)

Going somewhere with daddy.

One afternoon Nathan and I went out to rake up the last of the leaves for Matt so we could run the sprinkler one more time!

Nathan loves to make "tracks" in the leaves with his dump truck.

We had a bit of a meltdown about using daddy's rake, but after a temper tantrum and a timeout, he got over it.  And eventually he found out that there are better ways to get what you want.  Matt and I are navigating a difficult phase in child-rearing (or are they all?! ha ha.)  Prayers are appreciated as we are seeking God, trusted friends and other resources and learning what makes our eldest tick! 

"There are still some on the tree, mom!" :)

Laying in our leaf pile :)

Our view.  He's right.  There are still some up there! 

By the way, just had an email exchange with the head of forestry.  This tree will be gone by the end of the year.  That will give us some time to save up for a tree or two to plant in the spring!  It will be a LONG time (if ever) they will be this large though!

I love the leave stuck to Nathan's hat.

He's blowing a leaf to me.

Loading leaves in his dump truck.

Coming at mommy!

I love him!

As suspected, he wanted to DUMP the leaves on me!  I'm still laying on the ground :)

Yep, there I am.

Then I heard from our the corner, "Mommy, I'm stuck!" as I was still lounging in the leaves. (I LOVE the smell of them!)  This is what I found! 

He apparently was getting a brush to kindly brush off the leaves he dumped on me!

So we didn't get the leaves put in a bag (we were playing too much) before Josh woke up and we needed to go in and eat lunch, but we left them here for daddy. 

Although I ended up running out there when Matt got home to load them in a big bag. He fed Josh and kept him happy. Sometimes it's nice to swap chores...especially when Mommy needs a change of pace :)

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

Lots of fun for Mom and Nathan. I just watched some videos again. I love hearing Nathan's voice.