Tuesday, August 13, 2013

BBQ at the Office

Last Wednesday there was a bbq at our office.  Well, it was inside and we ate bbq from Famous Dave's.  It was delicious and we got to take home leftovers.  

With Michelle & Liz!  Michelle is due in November!  She has two boys currently...but I think they youngest is like 14!  Her and her husband are excited!
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Nathan playing with Liz's youngest son, Parker.
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Liz is the one who had twins last July and lost Brayden to a heart complication a few months later.

Talking to Michelle and her husband, Jim,
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I got to see Chuck, my boss, too.  He told Matt he would be sticking around to see me so he could offer me a job AGAIN. ha ha.  He's sweet to keep asking.  And that he did!  It's always fun for me to see everyone at the office.  Jennifer, Matt's Branch Director, organized the event and it was good to get to know her as she started after I had Nathan.  She even texted her husband while there to see if he had his second set of Broncos tickets available for the Eagles game in September!  Unfortunately, he already gave them to his sister :(

Leaving the office.
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Matt took some pictures of me with the boys.
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Not a bad idea since it's not often my hair gets done anymore and my boys don't have food or dirt all over them!
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We actually saw a doe when we were looking away from the camera!
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mmncgrand said...

Good shots of you and the boys. I think Nathan looks more like you and Josh looks more like Matt.

Deb said...

Great shots of you and the boys!

Matt and Sonya said...

Aww, thanks Grandma J AND Mom Witt!