Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter with Aunt Court

Matt picked Courtney up from the airport late Saturday night so we got to spend Easter Sunday with her!  It was a lazy day since we went to church the night before.

Matt coming down the stairs with the boys...ready to see their Aunt Court!
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Easter baskets.
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Grandma Liz is known for silly that dump truck!

This bucket is actually part of Nathan's gardening set...but it seemed to be a good thing to put bibs and tuckies in for Josh.  What does a baby his age really need at this age anyway?
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Nathan loving his broom and rake like daddy's.
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Nathan like that grass quite a bit!  He ended up dumping it out of his truck and then raking it up with his rake!  Well, Aunt Courtney might have done most of the raking up :) But he did rake!
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Tried to space the goodies out.  Here's some Easter surprises from Nana!
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She made this awesome taco for Nathan complete with meat, cheese and lettuce!  And it even stays folded.
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She made him a burger too with plenty of fixings!  They aren't even all on it in this picture.
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Nathan got an Easter cd and band aids too!  He has become a big fan of bandages since Nana sent him his first ones for his doctor's kit.  Just the other day he threw his doggy in the air and said he hurt his leg when he landed.  He thought he needed a bandaid.

Making Aunt Courtney a meal while Matt and I start breakfast.
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We had Matt's delicious omelets along with pancakes, bacon and orange juice!
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Nathan loves his pancakes.
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Even warmer today than on Saturday!  Outside we go!
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Nathan was so anxious to try out is "outdoor" toys he could hardly sit through breakfast.

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It's so cute watching these two interact.
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Hey Nathan, it's upside down!
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That's better!
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He was using his rake and his broom as a guitar so maybe that's what he was doing!

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Aunt Court and daddy making Nathan run back and forth from one fence to other when he asked, "What I should do?"

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Courtney RACING him!
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I don't know...who's going to win?
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Nathan showing Aunt Court how he can ride the train she got him.
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He's finally mastered it!

Nathan just after waking up from a pretty short nap.  With Josh's squeals Nathan and I both woke up!
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Josh eating at the fireplace.  What a treat!
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I have way too many pictures of this but these two were so cute right here.
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I have an adorable video too that shows you how much Josh LOVES Nathan's attention, and how much Nathan likes giving it to him :) 
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Going on a walk to the park.
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Nathan likes banging rocks on this bell to make music.  Or maybe to just make noise!
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Notice his doggy in the swing next to him?  I'm not sure how he snuck that out of the house...but I totally missed it!
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Oh well, it's like his little best friend.  He calls him Buddy sometimes.  Buddy is Jim & Karla's dog.

An important lesson learned: When you push something...
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It will come back to you!
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Poor kid.  Mommy totally saw this coming.  And yet I took pictures.  What a mom!

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Sliding down the slides with his Buddy...that really is an appropriate name for his dog!
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Back at the ranch.
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Daddy getting big smiles out of Josh.
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Face time with Papa & Nana and then skyping here with Grandpa & Grandma J.  It didn't last long since Matt's computer shut down, but we got to see them!
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A little Curious George before bed.
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mmncgrand said...

As usual loved the pictures. So glad Court could be out there with you. Loved all the happy smiles. A beautiful resurrection sunny day for you all.

mmncgrand said...

That food was pretty cool and looked so real. What is it made of.

Matt and Sonya said...

Grandma J...the food is made of felt, I think? Mom Witt...correct me if I'm wrong! I should have taken more pictures of the detail. They really are pretty cool!