Anyway, so this is where going straight to our room for a shower and getting ready for bed came in last night after putting Josh down. Of course, Nathan was crying for me to rock with him a few minutes around 8:30 and Matt came came in our room to do his work by me in bed because he knows sometimes I just can't go to sleep until he by the end of it all I might have fallen asleep by 9:30. But this is still REALLY good for me! We determined to have Josh sleep last night for longer intervals as every time we have gotten him on track, life happens with having visitors, late nights after small group, taking an Ikea trip, etc. and his eating and sleeping schedules are thrown off. It's so hard for me to let him cry (actually, it's blood-curling screams now) when I know he is hungry. But last night he woke up at 10:30 (yes, right after I fell asleep) and we let him cry for probably 45 minutes until he fell asleep. Then he woke up again at 1:00 screaming bloody murder once more. This boy has some LUNGS! I fed him then, since it was the 5 hour mark. And then he actually slept another 5 hours and I fed him at 6! That is when I couldn't go back to sleep as I felt more rested than I have since, ummm, since I can remember? Probably since I was around 8 months pregnant with Josh as the sciatic nerve pain began then and started interrupting my sleep along with the frequent restroom visits!
So, that is the long story as to how I find myself up, and enjoying a peaceful Saturday morning alone while all 3 boys in my life snooze away!
I am so excited for the weekend before us...3 days of promised sunshine!!! Matt worked last weekend so I convinced him to take this coming Monday off. So excited for some family time and a date tonight!
Okay! On to some pictures from the last few weeks:
Nathan playing baseball with daddy.

Matt showing him how to swing the bat.

It's hard to know when to swing!

It looks like he hit it here, but in actuality, I think he swung before the ball got to him!

Mommy & Josh watching the action.

Nathan sharing his baseball with Josh.

We decided we needed a tee. A makeshift tee (from Daddy's leaf blower) until we got one at Wal-Mart.

Spotted something.

Looking at something on the iPad.

He makes me smile even when he's not trying to.

Helping daddy fix a leak from a pipe that froze in the sprinkler system.

Good work guys!

After some failed naps (for all 3 of us!) one afternoon. Kids tend to wake up early from naps when they're coughing. This was a sick week for us.

Nathan took Josh's rattle. He doesn't look too sick, does he?

Daddy & Nathan going out somewhere in their boots. Maybe Sam's?

Josh likes to play with Nathan's toys while Nathan is still napping.

Yum! Tastes better than my toys!

Totally destroying Nathan's train track!

Watching basketball.

Looking cute in his shirt from Nana.

We went into the new office this week! It's about 5 minutes from the old one. Jim hanging out with the boys on the nice leather couch.

Josh was quite content with Liz while I got a tour of the office from Denise and Jim kept Nathan occupied. Nothing like going to work and getting a break! So grateful for this organization and the people that are a part of it.

You can see Brayden (and Parker) in a picture behind Liz. I wrote about him in October 2011. Liz had twins almost 2 years ago (in July) now. Parker was born healthy and Brayden was born with some major heart complications. He lost his fight at around 3 months old.
Three youngest at small group. Landin, Jonah and Josh!


Nathan's expressions are funny. He's just asking me a question here. Nothing distressing at all.

Josh is getting better at sitting up. But he can't be left on his own or he falls as he's playing with things and totally not paying attention to sitting up!

Well, my whole family is up now and eating's almost 9am! Better go. Looks gorgeous out. Looking forward to a weekend of fun! Hope you all are well!