Monday, February 27, 2012

Sick Boy & Trip Down the Stairs

Sorry, no pictures. Just an update. We had a rough weekend around here...well, mostly Sunday actually. It should have known on Friday that Nathan might be coming down with something. He took a long 3 hour nap in the middle of the day and then took ANOTHER one later. Ashley came to watch him while Matt and I went on a date and she said he was subdued but seemed to sleep well that night.

Saturday you could tell he was feeling worse throughout the day but he seemed to be handling it well. We had friends over that night and he went to bed took a little bit more cuddling from me than normal, but he went down pretty quickly, but by 11pm he woke up crying. That night was rough. He had a high fever and Matt even took him to Walmart with him to get Ibuprofen (tylenol wasn't working) because he wouldn't sleep anyway. He was up on and off all night. I took the final shift and got him to go to sleep around 5am because thankfully, the fever broke and he did sleep in a little longer than usual in the morning. We didn't go to church on Sunday and all three of us stayed in. Matt and I tried to grab naps when we slept to make up for our own lack of sleep but he wasn't napping well at all. Thankfully, he finally took a longer nap around 3pm. He just wanted to be held all day...not sitting but standing, he was whining and crying a lot with what little voice he had, and his nose was running a lot!

To top it all off, closer to the end of the day, when we all were exhausted and emotional, Matt was trying to take a shower and Nathan insisted on being with him and didn't want me at all. So as Matt was getting ready to get in, Nathan brought him a zip toiletry type of bag of mine that he wanted open. Matt told him no, and I yelled up that it's okay, I let him have it and he just wants him to open it up for him. Nathan hears me and starts to bring it down the stairs to me. I hear Matt say, "Go ahead, take it to Mommy and she will open it for you". Then I hear a series of thuds (a long series) and I go running to the bottom of the stairs because I know exactly what just happened. Matt raced down the stairs too but couldn't catch him. He fell all of the way down. Thankfully, he rolled all of the way and didn't go head first. He took him a little to catch his breath and even cry once Matt picked him up at the bottom (he beat me there). He was obviously shaken much more than he was hurt. He had a little brush burn (some call it rug burn) on his forehead from the carpet but that was it. I'm sure this is just the first of many alarming bruises to come, but I still didn't like it. I held him for awhile after he fell just rocking him and he acted like he was going to fall asleep. But then I called to Matt wondering if we should check him out further before I ended up laying him down. Matt came down and he perked up. He went to Matt and because Matt's shirt was still off, he pinched his nipple and got a big smile on his face. We had a laugh because he was obviously fine and acting like his normal self :)

We're very thankful he is okay. He's taken things up and down the stairs before without a problem but he did seem a little clumsier that day when he was sick with tripping and everything, so maybe that's what happened. Who knows. It's Monday, and he is having no issues or reservations going up and down the stairs. His 18 month appointment was scheduled for this morning but we canceled it because we didn't want to go in, pay the co-pay for the visit and then have to come back for the immunizations on another day and get charged another co-pay. Plus, we'd rather just get it done all it once. We didn't think they would give him them since his body was fighting off this sickness.

He's still sick, but definitely seems to be improving. So we're happy for that. We are trying t o get lots of vitamin C in him and apparently, he loves orange juice, so that is going well. He and I are laying low today and probably tomorrow too...we have to be here all day because inspectors are coming out to check on our a/c installation.

P.S. Yep, I'd say he is feeling better. He is now diving onto the couch from the ottoman!


Gram said...

I had just checked to see if you put anything on earlier this afternoon and then your mom tells me that Nathan wasn't feeling well. So I had to be nosy and checked it out. glad he is feeling better today. Fortunately what ever he had didn't last too long. Have a good night Love to all Gram

mmncgrand said...

Well, if I had looked at your blog first my questions would have been answered. I am so glad Nathan is ok. What a scare for you. You are right though, this is just one of many to come. He is a tough little guy so will no doubt rally well from his bumps and bruises. I just want to hold him right now though. Love you!