Friday, January 13, 2012

Checking Out

...of our apartment. The day after our move we were scheduled to check out of Epernay Apartments.

It took us a little while to get going in the morning with our busy day and short night before, but we made it over to check out. Here's what the place looked like the morning after our move. A little chaotic.



Thankfully, I had done a lot of cleaning the night before our move (a good part of the reason I was up until 4am!) and we were SO glad I did. It's just not fun to go back to your apartment and clean when you're anxious to spend your energies on your new place. So we went over to the apartment and I cleaned some baseboards, and hit the carpet with the vacuum again, dusted some blinds, wiped out the oven cleaner I put on the other night and we were good to go!

Nathan's been watching Daddy work on things, unscrewing things, drilling things etc. Now he always tries to stick a screwdriver in everything!
Don't freak out. It's not a receptacle, it's a phone jack.



I love this kid.

Nathan in the empty living room.


Nathan's room, once office/guest bedroom.

Our bedroom.

Nathan doesn't want to leave!
Not really. He's showing his dislike for the fact that daddy went out the door without taking him with! I think he ran down to the car for something or took the trash out.

Spic and span as it's going to get!

The next renters will benefit from some nice improvements to this apartment! Extra shelves in the laundry, a bar for coats in the closet, and awesome shelves in Nathan's closet...thanks to my dad!

Right before our walk through.

Last family picture at Epernay!

We were a little concerned because all of our friends had stories of how they had to pay fines for little things that seemed ridiculous upon moving out. Or else they had to go back and clean some more or they would get fined. It seems a lot of the apartments around here depend on the people moving out to clean for the next renters as opposed to hiring a professional. Seems kind of gross to me but I guess that's why they are sticklers on the day you check out. I don't know how Epernay usually handles it, but our walk through took about 5 minutes. No fines and we get our security deposit back! We did get someone who was just hired in the office and we were her first walk through, so maybe that helped! I guess Kathleen (the manager) told her she should have no problems because we always keep our place clean. Kathleen has been so great to us through this entire moving out process. We are very grateful to her for her flexibility with us!

Outside shot driving away...

That's our apartment on the second floor!
I hope the next renters enjoy it as much as we did. We truly have had some great memories in this apartment but are looking forward to the new ones we make in our new home as well!


Deb said...

That was a great place for you, seems a little sad that you won't be there anymore, but so excited for your new adventures! It would be hard to go back and clean when you are anxious to get going on the new place.

mmncgrand said...

I want to pick up that little guy in the crib and cuddle with him.