Sunday, July 17, 2011

What else but...Nathan!

Just a few random pictures....

Tubby time. I think this was the last time I put him in his whale tub. I just put him in the tub now. But I needed to get a non-slip mat because he would try to crawl all over the place and slip!

Notice a trend with the stuff in his mouth :)


Taking the trash out with daddy. It was raining :)


His faces crack me up.


Story time with daddy.

I had to run and get my camera...they are just too cute.

Dale came over to see me and meet Nathan for the first time!
Dale & Michael are one of the couples in our small group. However, Michael is in the Air Force and was deployed for this last year. Last August, Dale moved to California to live with her family while he was gone. She was my walking buddy last summer and I was sad to see her go! A lot has happened since then and Michael decided to get out of the Air Force. He was returning from Afghanistan this week and Dale came out early to be here for his arrival. He took a pastoral position in Georgia and they will be moving there soon. So we had little time with them before we had to say good bye again :( I will post Michael's return as well.

Nathan trying on Dale's shoes :)
It's so unbelievable that at this time last year Dale and I were taking walks each week talking about the baby in my belly! It's arrival, it's gender!! ha ha. Crazy that I didn't even know we were having a boy then. SO much has happened in the last year for the both of us. It was good to catch up in person as opposed to just on the phone.

Dale got Nathan a dump truck for his 1st birthday! I thought that was really sweet, but somehow managed to forget to take a picture. I will have to do that later...we have been playing with it!

He really liked being in the clothes basket. Especially when Matt and I pushed him back and forth!


Deb said...

Nathan - you are just too cute! Can't wait to get my hands on you!

Matt and Sonya said...

:)Matt said this would be the favorite post out of the ones I just put up! He knew you would like it :)