Monday, January 11, 2016

Out with the Old, In with the New!

So November was quite a month with some significant appliance issues.  The first was our washer. We've been babying it a little but once it overflowed and within a matter of minutes flooded our basement and poured water down on our printer, modem, router and lots more, we were done with that washer.  The set was only about 4.5 years old.  They were the previous owners and he had just recently purchased them.  They are Hotpoints.  So we did a ton of research, talked with friends, and visited a lot of appliance stores and selected our replacements.  God's goodness was so evident to us once again in this situation.  A few months ago we considered replacing them as we were dealing with a couple of other washer issues.  At that time (I think it was July or August) the lady at Home Depot mentioned to us that Black Friday sales were always the best prices on washer and dryers.  Matt was able to fix the washer temporarily and we were able to get more life out of them.   We were amazed that when the washer overflowed THIS time that all the stores were doing their Black Friday sales early in November and we had the luxury of choosing our set during a time they were 30% off.  When buying a washer and dryer...this is big savings!

So we ordered our new set at Home Depot, and I posted this set on North Springs Mamas with the details of the issues we encountered with our washer.  I had a couple jump on it and agreed to pick it up the Friday night before we received our new set on Saturday.  Thankfully, it still ran.  And Matt once again fixed it so it wasn't overflowing...but there was still some water leaking underneath at times that we couldn't figure out.  It's unbelievable how all week it worked like a dream (while we were waiting for our new set).  I, of course, kept a close eye on it because of the overflowing issue.  It's funny because the last day or so before getting our new ones, I thought, "should we not have bought new now that this is working fine?" As if God was reassuring my only he so graciously leaked for my next load!  I said,  "Okay, God.  I got it! Thanks! :) "  And couldn't wait to get rid of it!  I love that about our God.  He totally meets us and speaks to us where we are at. It took me awhile to be comfortable with making that size purchase, and He reassured me all the way with His grace, through my husband, and through my mom.   Matt was ready to be done with the old one too!

So here's our old set I posted on the mom's selling group I use:

Thankfully, it was snatched up right away.  It saved us the fee of having them hauled away and we got some money for them!  We said goodbye to them Friday night to this nice couple who was purchasing them for their daughter.  The husband of the couple had experience with washers and they were thrilled.  Plus, we coordinated so Matt was home to help them get it out and load it onto their trailer.  Win, Win.

And in with the shiny new ones! :)

Oh yeah, one thing that I had not mentioned earlier is how difficult it was to find a set that we could be sure would fit and the door would still be able to swing open and closed.  See how tight!  It works though!   When we moved in the door wasn't even on right there.  Some people just take it off.  I need a door.  So that wasn't an option!  I got lots of ideas from people in our neighborhood as well from our facebook page on what they have done with the same laundry layout.   Thankfully, all research was not in vain!  Yay.

The best part is, they work really well!  The dryer started squeaking within a day and they did come back and swap it out with a brand new one.  So that was a bit of a hassle just because I was ready to be done, but it worked out.  My friend, Sarena has a set similar, but she advised me to go up to the larger capacity washer so I could wash my big comforters.   Great advice!  So glad I did and doesn't take up anymore room than the smaller capacity washers.  I cannot believe how much laundry I can it these things!

This is the life of a stay at home mom.  Yes. I am really happy with my washer and dryer.  The first few days were so funny because I would wonder what happen to a member of my family only to find them just standing there watching the washer.  It's actually fun to watch! :)  And it actually does make laundry kind of fun!


mmncgrand said...

Those are beautiful. I had no idea you had all these appliance issues. You handled it all well

mmncgrand said...

These are beautiful. I didn't know you had all these appliance issues. You handled it all well.

Matt and Sonya said...

Thank you Grandma! I still love them!