Monday, January 11, 2016

Gingerbread Houses, Painting & Shark Tooth

Dave & Sarena watched our boys while we went on a date! They wanted to say thank you for taking Mikey's photos. They boys came home with THESE!

They loved them.

A painting afternoon.

Josh has a hard time not getting things on his face!

Nathan has a hard time keeping his paintbrush on his own paper!

Nathan drew a turkey!

We realized in November that Nathan already had an adult tooth coming in!  With his baby tooth still intact.  Thankfully, the baby tooth loosened up and finally fell out during our trip to PA in December.  At Country Cupboard no less.  Pappy took his boys and Nathan lost it down his throat...along with the delightful food he was eating!  The tooth fairy felt bad and still left him 4 quarters under his pillow when we got back to Colorado.  He totally knows Mommy's the tooth fairy.  But he enjoys it just the same.  In early January, he has another loose tooth.


mmncgrand said...

I forgot about the tooth coming in behind. I see a cute little blue table in some of these pictures.

Matt and Sonya said...

Yes! The baby tooth fell out and the adult tooth moved right into place! It happened with his second lost tooth too. And thanks. We found that table at TJ Maxx last fall!