Monday, September 8, 2014

Where to start?....

I don't even know where to begin. A lot has happened since my last July post and now! Before we left for our PA trip in August (Aug 10) I knew I was behind on the blog but at least had all of the photos pretty much selected and edited from the last few weeks. I knew I had yet to write about 2 Senior photos shoots and an health episode I experienced plus lots of other fun things we did as a family. Well fast forward to now, right after a 3rd senior session and it's even worse. While working on editing this 3rd Senior girl, I shut down my computer one night only to find it would not start up at all the next morning. My one year old laptop.

After a week of driving to Denver, talking to several data recovery places on the phone and visiting a few as well, I know I've lost everything on our computer. Well, they said the could try to get the data but the cost would START at 1K. We just couldn't justify that expense. We're still trying to recover some photos that were recently deleted off of my SD card. We think we have most Pennsylvania memories and most of Nathan's 4th birthday recovered, and we're still trying to see if there is any hope for part of the 3rd Seniors photo shoot...the ones with her dad's Mustang and some other amazing ones that I was really excited about. She has yet to know they are gone. I don't want to take her through the emotional roller coaster I've experienced. I'll tell her when I'm certain they are gone and I have a game plan on how to proceed.

So I guess I'm going to try to continue on the blog and record these weeks as best as I can...with or without photos. I've retrieved some from Facebook and a few other places that will help as well. The photo size isn't as large but it still tells the stories. I know this is such a tiny bit of nothing in the scope of eternity, and recently I've been doing much better than last week, but every time I realize something else we've lost it still grabs me a little bit. I rely on photos a lot for memory, as mine is not all that great. Looking back on pictures help me to remember the fun times.

So that's where I'm at...and why you haven't seen updates. It will probably take me awhile to be even close to caught up. Especially with needing to re-edit this SR shoot, potentially re-shoot for her AND I won't get my computer back for about 2 weeks...most likely. Plus, I need sleep.

Love you all.

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

I am so sorry Sonya. What a bummer. You have had enough haven't you? I will wait for pictures. Don't stress yourself out. I hope you have time to put it on hold when we come for a visit soon.