Saturday, September 8, 2012

38 Weeks

At my 38 Week appointment on Friday...I was still at 2cm dilated!  So no progress there :)   I do feel like I have dropped some this week, but who knows?  My physical therapist, Kristina, thought so too.  She said she gives me a week! (This was on Tuesday) Yikes!  Here's your pics:
Oh yeah, I think they weighed me in at 165 at the doctors.  They didn't tell me, but I think that's what I saw.  Already at 30 lbs!  And I thought I could stick to 25 this time.  Oh well.

I'm definitely feeling more ready and better about everything.  The hospital bag is mostly packed.  We have an air mattress, sheets, pillows out in case someone has to come stay with Nathan in the middle of the night if we go to the hospital then.  This weekend has been glorious because Matt is OFF and we are just enjoying our family time and tying up some loose ends...and watching football :)  It has been just what we all needed.

ALSO, on  Thursday night our baby seems to have moved off my sciatic nerve a little bit...or is just hitting it differently!  I still have some pain and aggravation but it is much more manageable than before!  I even went to Target with Nathan and Matt today.  That might not have been the smartest thing to do...but it felt good to get out, nonetheless.  I certainly slowed down the process, but it was good!  Matt wanted me to drive the scooter, but I assured him that my body needed some activity and blood flow.  I'm afraid I'm going to be so out of shape by the time I go into labor with all of this sitting still stuff!

This cutie told me he wanted to be in the picture :)  How could I resist this adorable little Eagles fan?

So I'm feeling good.  Ready for our family to expand and welcome our baby boy.  Nathan's going to be such a good big brother.  The baby's carseat is all ready to go in the car for our trek to the hospital (The 4 minute trek. I love how close the hospital is!)

And that's your 38 Week update!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Glad things are coming together well for Bambino #2!