Thursday, March 4, 2010

Focus on Marriage

Matt and I attended the Focus on Marriage simulcast at Focus on the Family this past Saturday. It was a simulcast across the nation but the live feed was from we had to be up and at 'em EARLY! It was a fun event with many wonderful speakers. Here is the website with all of their bios. The most exciting was Kirk & Chelsea Cameron!
I just remember watching Kirk Cameron on 'Growing Pains' back in the day and have been impressed with his ability to shine Christ's light in a very dark Hollywood. The movie, 'Fireproof', was probably one of the best movies I have seen him in. But each speaker gave wonderful insights into the different stages of marriage! We also learned that we should be on the downward curve of enjoyment of our marriage...and that it doesn't go upward again until about 12 years in! It most definitely doesn't feel that way to us yet...but maybe we need to brace ourselves :) Anyway, they gave very practical tips on how to decrease the severity of this decline in satisfaction.

We had a great time and attended the event with 2 other couples from our previous small group that we go to church with. Here we are in the International building. This is the building where Lauren (the girl on the far right) and I attended classes when we went to Focus on the Family Institute together!

In fact, here is Lauren and I by our picture from Focus taken 5 years ago! Wow. Has it really been that long?

The girls: Allison, me & Lauren

We enjoyed ourselves but were ready for a nap when we got home that afternoon! We needed some energy to pack and be up the NEXT morning to catch our flight at 6:15!


mmncgrand said...

We are so glad you avail yourselves to the help that is there for your marriage. I hadn't heard that concept of the downward cycle of marriage. Interesting!

Matt and Sonya said...

Yep...I think the cycle is just a common trend drawn from studies that have been done. It's something to be aware of, but I don't think it has to be the case! That's why you prepare your expectations...and then beat the odds :)