Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sam's Club Members! & Colorado Blizzard

So this week Matt and I become OFFICIAL card-carrying Sam's Club Members! You see, we were going to wait until next month, but then an emergency came up at work where we ran out of copy paper. So of course, we had to come through for the team and get a good price at Sam's Club. So we just pushed our membership plan up a bit :) So on Wednesday night we were official. Matt was especially pumped to get the "Business" Membership which was 5 bucks less than than the normal membership. You simply have to own your own business or be a licensed professional! How sweet is that? Matt's DPT is really paying off! There's 5 bucks a year we have saved already because of it. :) At that rate it won't take long to pay off his student loans!
Besides the copy paper, we only bought Cheerios and milk, but we were on Cloud 9 as we floated through the store. In the midst of parading through the store checking out all of the good deals and fun electronics, we realized that this was the first time that we had been in Sam's Club without our parents! So the feelings of independence, freedom and true adulthood may have contributed to our temporary high. Ha ha. Whatever the reason...we liked it.

We still liked it even this morning, when we went to do some real shopping. Unfortunately, we were too late for the earlier hours for "Buisness Members" where they serve free bagels, coffee and doughnuts! Apparently, it only runs until 9 on Saturdays and not 10 like it does throughout the week! We will have to hit it some other morning though. That was why Matt was excited about the business membership!
So, we finally got a blizzard this week! I was wondering if we would have one this winter considering the 70 degree winter days of late. But one hit on Thursday. It was beautiful watching the snow fall at work. Then we observed the bumper-to-bumper traffic as people were racing home from work since the news teams were warning of what was yet to come. Thankfully, by the time Matt and I left for work, the mad rush had subsided and we just took an alternate route home. It was slick, but we were fine. It was fun for us...we stopped at McDonalds, grabbed a Value meal and a red box movie and enjoyed the beautiful snowfall all of the way home! Our apartment was freezing though when we finally arrived at our destination. There was snow on our bedroom floor! Someone forgot to close the window from the night before...oops! :) So anyway, we spent another night on the living room floor! We pulled the futon mattress out and lit a fire. Much warmer! And more fun too.
We went in the next morning at our normal time as we listened on the news that most places were closing for the day! Welcome to the world of healthcare :) Honestly though, the roads were completely dry by 2. When the sun comes out in Colorado, the snow and ice just don't have a chance! I didn't even get the opportunity to take pictures!
Well that's all we have to share for this week! I think I am going to try to get a nap in before our friends come over for games tonight! Have a great weekend everyone. Love, Matt & Sonya


Krista said...


Nicole said...

Wow, what nice perks for the business membership! Yeah, that cold front up your way has really been effecting us down south too. It was in the 70s instead of the 80s this week!

Courtney said...

We got snow this weekend too but unfortunately it was not very pretty. That's IN for you.
I'm glad you feel like a real adult now b/c of your Sam's Club membership!
P.S. I've been hooked on those Reese Eggs since being in CO.
Love you guys, Court

Matt and Sonya said...

Wow Nicole...I guess our weather really IS affecting you. ha ha. It doesn't sound so bad though :)

Courtney...I'm with you on the Reese's eggs. Very Delish!