Monday, February 2, 2009

Movie Night & Grand Prix Headlights

One might be beginning to wonder what we have been doing out here in Colorado lately...seeing as I have not updated for awhile. Well, I certainly will not be completely filling you in on account of time. But I have just a few things to note...and it seems that only the things I have pictures of get mentioned!

(By the way, I meant to take pics of our CO license plates months ago after we got them just because it was exciting to us! So here is one now...better late than never! And Mark, we will save you one as requested! They put one on the front & back of your vehicle out here so if we should ever leave this beautiful state, we will have 4!)

The last few weekends have been relaxing yet productive for us. Sometimes on the weekends we like to pull out our air mattress that my parents bought for us and watch a movie in the living room! We don't have a television in our bedroom so the concept of laying down on a bed to watch a movie is great fun. ha ha. Plus, we don't have to get up and go to bed after it is over...we can just fall right asleep. And we love that air mattress. It is comfortable!

This past weekend was gorgeous! It got up into the 60's on Saturday. Which is crazy for a Colorado would think. But the weather fluctuates a lot around here. Anyway, Matt took the opportunity to work on the Grand Prix. His dad sent out the headlights from Courtney's Grand Prix that were in need of replacement. But they were A LOT better than our headlights that we struggle to tell if are on in the pitch dark night. Ours have cracks in them and are very foggy.

Oh yeah, funny story about Matt's hair: I was in the office the other night while he was doing his routine cut. He just uses hair clippers to cut his hair. It doesn't take long. He just puts the correct length attachment on and "zippp" he cuts his hair to the length he desires. However, he does use two different attachments for the shorter length on the side of his head and the longer length on the top of his head. So as I "working" hard on the computer, I all of the sudden hear a quiet but distinct "Uh-Oh!" uttered from my husband's mouth in the next room . I jump up to see what the concern is...only to find my poor husband examining the top of his head. Sure enough he used the short clippers from the side of his head right down the top of his head! It was quite comical looking...especially considering it stopped dead halfway back his head at what point he noticed an obvious malfunction! Of course, at that point he had no choice but to buzz the rest of the hair on his head to the same short length. The growing back stage takes me back to our college days of his hair growing back after a complete head shave. Or back to the time, 3 months prior to our wedding, he decided to play basketball with the Dodgens on a low hoop. No problem there, except until he decided to jump up and slice the top of his head on the bottom of the backboard. In order to "glue" (I'm not kidding about this one-actual super glue) his cut together, his hair had to be buzzed close. Thanks Mom Witt for assisting...I was nauseous from the blood and comotion. No, nursing would definitely not be my calling. Thankfully, by wedding day, it was pretty close to normal length. Now as for our engagement pictures, he does look a little bit like a service man. But it worked. So I know that 3 months is about the longest we will endure the growing back stage from experience! Ha ha. It's really not that bad actually. It has already grown back quite a bit! Sorry, that quick story got long-winded. I do apologize!

Here is our car (finally washed...sorry, Dad!) being worked on!

As you can see here, there is a big difference in the newer and old headlight!

And...the finished product! These headlights look SO much better than our originals. And you wouldn't believe how much better we can see the road when driving at night! Thanks Dad W! We know you spent a lot of time cleaning them up for us and shipping them out. You're still helping us with our car needs even miles away! You saved us a lot of money. We love them!


Anonymous said...

I was just about to scold you for not updating your blog - well played, Sonya. I was laughing at your story of Matt's hair fiasco - Adam recently buzzed his hair (he wanted to know if he'd look like Brad Pitt) and us, being amateurs in the buzzing department, didn't realize you needed to do the top shorter than the sides. He used a 4 on the whole head. We can see his scalp. I'll post pictures soon.
Miss you guys! Oh yeah - and I love the airmattress movie night idea- we should try that!

mmncgrand said...

Loved all those pictures of Matt. Thanks, Sonya!! Your car looks very good too. And your weather, I am jealous. Love, Grandma

Matt and Sonya said...

Jessie- I can't wait to see pics of Adam's cut! And have try a movie night on an airmattress :)

Grandma- Anytime :) I know you like to see pics of your boy every once and awhile!