I had Josh. Matt took Nathan. Josh enjoyed taking his time with each egg :)

He opened each one up to discover the contents inside.

A neighbor girl, Jordyn, that we've done a play date with before was there!

She was much faster than Josh. ha ha.

Jamie (Jordyn's mom) brought just their oldest while her husband Chris was at home with Jayden (younger daughter.) We met the Alexanders at a neighborhood barbeque last July. I run into Jamie at the gym a lot. And we ran into her on our bike ride the other day!

A little Veggie Tales Easter story.

The boys weren't sharing the blanket well so Josh got relegated to the floor...with his own blanket. He looks so distraught! ha! :)

Time to dye Easter eggs!

Josh has a PLASTIC egg. But he is enjoying it just the same! Dye and a 1 & 3 year old is scary!

Being silly.

The boys eating sugarless sugar cookies from one of Matt's patients. I'm not sure how that works, but they were delicious!

Josh putting his in his eye. He kept saying "eye" and doing this. There were eyes on the cookie because it was suppose to look like a baby chick.

Finished product! Not bad.

My darling husband replaced my Kenmore canister vacuum. Mom gave me theirs when I graduated from college and moved to my first apartment in Marion. I love that thing but it was going to cost at least 100 to replace parts and it still had a cord that was all taped up. We realized it was about 18 years old and sought new options. Thanks to Amazon we got this beauty for 130 bucks "used." It's not really used at all and I love it!

Matt didn't think we should call it a Mother's Day gift...but Mother's Day, birthday, or just because...I love it! It's a beaut.