Saturday, December 20, 2008

Trip Home to Pennsylvania!

Matt and I just got back from a trip to home state! It was a great trip and my only complaint is that it was too short.

Here we are in the Colorado Springs airport getting ready to head out. I was SO proud of myself (and Matt) for packing for a week long trip in just carry-ons! No checked baggage=No extra fees. Woo-hoo! Plus...I loved the simplicity.. This is an accomplishment for me because I like to be prepared for everything!

As you can beautiful golden retriever, Chance, is so happy to have me home. Look how well he is listening to me! I was trying to get him to sit here for a picture. Ha ha.

Matt found these great sunglasses in the mall. What do you think?

Matt and I went to my 3 year old nephew, Colin's, gymnastics class. He was SO cute. He kept looking over to make sure we were watching! He is getting limber early for his football career! Not really...he just loves to run around and it uses up about a tenth of his energy supply for the day.

After gymnastics, we went to my parent's for dinner and Matt & Colin decided to play in Colin's "fort" under the table.

A few shots with our adorable nephew who we love like crazy!

The Melhorn Family: My brother, David, sister 'n law, Adrienne, and Colin- Love them!
We went to their house on Friday night for our family Christmas since we won't be out there over Christmas day.
Matt throwing Colin around on the left.

And the 3 of us doing Colin's impression of "Pappy's Hair"! Ha ha. Pappy taught him this. We bought him the Eagles sweatshirt for Christmas. He LOVES it. He put it on immediately and marched back to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror! He approved!

Saturday night we visited my Grandpa and Grandma Melhorn's house. We pulled out the old photo albums and looked at pictures of my dad and my aunts and uncles when they were little tykes like Colin. My Grandma has an amazing memory and can recall so many stories and facts from the past!

Of course, Colin came with us! Here are some shots of Colin with his Pappy and Grandma. Isn't his face hilarious in this picture of him and my dad?

Family picture after church on Sunday.

We had our Berry's Family Christmas on Sunday afternoon. These are all of the great grandchildren: Colin, Daniel, Halie, Alexia & Khylee! They were adorable playing together...but difficult to get a picture of all at once!

Here they are hula hooping on the Wii Fit on the right. Check out this video of Colin's turn! It makes me laugh so hard! :)

They piled on me! There were three of them at once...Alexia must be on her way!

My beautiful cousin, Jessica, and me. If you look closely you can see a picture of my Pap and Grandma over my shoulder. Can you beleive I didn't get a picture of them together that day? There 5oth wedding anniversary is coming up in June! Isn't that awesome? They have poured so much love into all of their grandchildren through the years. We are all crazy about them...the great grandchildren are as well!

The girl cousins!
Minus Jessica and Jennifer.

Age and I on the right...I love this girl! She is awesome. Amazing wife, mom & sister 'n law.

I don't mind the guy on the left either. :)

Matt, Colin and I ready for the big Eagles game on Monday night!

But not before a little book reading from Uncle Matt and some Guitar Hero!

My brother, David and I after the Eagle's win!

Matt and David at the car wash on Tuesday just before we left to fly out. It was hard to leave! Thank you, Lord, for the blessings of family. You are all
dearly loved!!!

If you want to view all of my pictures from the week home (trust me there are A LOT more!) just let me know and I can invite you to view them on Snapfish!


Deb said...

Loved all your pictures and the updates! The video of Colin is hilarious!! What a cutie.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family and wonderful memories! Your nephew is so cute! Give you two any ideas? Thinking of you and praying for you this holiday season! Traci