Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Where did March go?

I can't believe it's April!  You all have been so patient for pictures, so here's a bunch from our March.

A warm day means a trip to the park for these boys!

Nathan telling someone what to do...most likely!

Josh has no fear climbing all the way to the top!

Happy swingers.

So fun to seem him doing things this year he was afraid of last year.

Nathan loves to slide...this is one the things he always tells me about doing at the gym!

Too tired for Nathan to bike on the way home.  So we threw it on top of the stroller!

Nathan is feeding Josh Gardetto's. ha ha!

There's the face to the mystery hand!

Love my boys!

Do you think maybe Josh is used to Nathan feeding him? ha ha!

Checking out the garage.  We have some organizing to do in there.  Great spring project!

Nathan grilling his own burgers while daddy grills our dinner..

Trying on Easter outfits.

We never know what we'll find when we check on him before we go to bed!

One weekend when Jim & Karla came over for burgers.  It was SO nice out!

And they did so much better than I expected in their own little seats.  It's fun as they become more independent.

The dreaded tooth brushing.  Surprisingly, this has improved and Josh will do it himself now so we don't have to force it.

Night time book reading.  Nathan loves all of these books from my own childhood that mom sent back with us in November.  And it does my heart good to see series of books on the bookshelf instead of millions of random sized ones!  I know...I'm weird.  He even likes the Dr. Seuss ones! 

Josh bails out on reading pretty quickly to climb on Nathan's bed.

And play with his light.

That's okay.  Nathan and I like our book reading snuggle time.

Nathan made dinner and set places for he and Josh!

Chowing down.  I loves seeing them play together like this.  Sometimes it's short lived...before I hear some one screaming or crying...but it is happening more often!

Chocolate no-bake cookies.  I might have made these 10 times in April.  For real.

I get chocolate cravings at night.

For some reason Josh insists on tasting markers and crayons before coloring.  I promise, I've tried to stop the madness.

Coloring time! (While mommy tries to empty the dishwasher...some days this can take hours before it's completely unloaded and reloaded!)

Nathan looking at the addition flashcards Grandma sent home too.  Obviously, this is a bit beyond him now.  But he wanted me to get the down.

Graham cracker snack.

Josh feeding himself yogurt.

He's a messie and he loves it.

A little George before I put Nathan down for his nap.  See George (on a chair by Nathan) watching George?

Don't take my picture mommy!

Another day, another meal to cook.  It kept them occupied while I cooked.  I even gave up some of my real potatoes!

Josh still wanted to come help me.

See my new apron? Karla got an embroidery machine and made it for me! She said the apron was totally me as I requested the colors. She said hers would have been green and red and yellow! All sorts of bright. :) It's nice to be known, and loved anyway! I told her with two boys I need as much calm in my life as possible for my sanity :)

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

Thanks for telling me about new pictures. I love Nathan's combinations of clothes to wear. Such a clown. Glad they are playing good together (most of the time). Jerry and Deb were good playmates too.