Sunday, April 13, 2014

Vegas Get-Away!

That same weekend that Courtney was in town (toward the end of March) Matt and I went to Las Vegas!  Matt was invited to go to the Encompass yearly meeting, along with a guest, to receive his Clinician of the Year award.  I was delighted to be his guest!

And thanks to some AMAZING, selfless friends, we didn't have to worry about our kiddos.  Originally we were not planning on us both going, but when Jen heard about the opportunity, she said she had been wanting to do an overnight date for us.  As she is so good at, she got excited about the whole idea even though it put an incredible amount of work on her, caring for FOUR boys during the week.

Nathan ran off to ride bikes with Jamin and Josh barely looked back with Jen carrying him! 

Knowing the VanHorns were watching our boys and that no matter what, they'd be beyond loved, made it easy for us to say our goodbyes and get some precious time together, just the two of us, husband and wife.  Woo-hoo!  Off to Denver to catch our flight!

I'm waiting in line to try to get bumped for free vouchers!

But we missed out!  Bummer! Our night got really late as it was, so it was probably for the best!

So enjoyable to be able to sit together and chat on the plane!  Of course we sat across from the young family though :)  They had a 1-2 year old boy that was having a terrible time.  I really felt for them, because I know how it is!  I gave him my fruit snacks :)

Matt playing a driving video game!  The life!

Arrived at the Bellagio.  Waiting in line to check in.

This seems uneventful, but actually it wasn't at all.  Dave & Sarena had been praying for us to be available for any opportunity God might have for us in Vegas.  I'm so grateful for friends who think and pray this way.

While standing in line, we noticed all of the other lines dwindling down, moving through while we stayed stuck in the same spot.  We joked that I ALWAYS pick the worst lines!  Towards the end, it was getting really ridiculous, and we were getting very tired.  But our spirits were up, and we laughed about.  Then a man stood in line behind us.  We noticed his wife went in one line, while he went to ours.  I said something to him about how smart they were and he told me that after lots of years, you learn the tricks!  From that moment on we began conversing with him.  We talked about why each of us were in town, traveling without our boys, etc.  He was very nice.  We discovered they came out to visit a daughter, and because I ask so many questions, what we thought initially was them visiting a daughter whose family was out here, we came to find out was much more serious.  Their daughter was only 15, and was sent to Utah, to some sort of detention or rehab.  He didn't give a lot of specifics, but shared that his older 2 daughters were biological, "looked like me" (blond, I guess), and did very well in high school.  This younger girl, they adopted as a baby, was darker skinned and jumped into the wrong crowds at the same school.  He said that even though a child is adopted as a baby, that "loss" is jut inborn in them.  He said that when he took her phone from her he found out so much.  He also admitted that one of his regrets was not taking it from her sooner.  It sounded as though she was into some very serious things.

I mentioned about our church talking about adoption a few Sundays ago, and that must have been how the "church" part of the conversation came up.  He said that their church has been supportive through the process.  So when his wife FINISHED checking in and we were still in the very same spot,  he needed to go.  My heart went out to his wife, thinking what this visit was like for her as a mom.  They were only going to get a few hours of sleep before driving in a minivan (when they rented an SUV and the rental car place said, sorry!) to a desolate area 2.5 hours away.  Their daughter didn't even know they were coming and they were prepared for her to beg them to take her home.

As we told him goodbye, we shook his hand.  I could tell he wasn't normally the kind of person that would share so much with a stranger as he let out an embarrassed laugh and said, "now you know all about us and you'll never see me again."  I told I'm I was so glad he shared with us and that I had nothing to do while my husband was in meetings and that I would praying for his daughter and for he and his wife in the next few days.  I then asked, "Do you mind tell me her name so I can pray for her?"

"Julia" he told me.  And he expressed his thanks, we briefly said hi to his wife and they were on our way while we remained in line. 

Matt and I looked at each other as they walked away and tears welled up in my eyes.  I was so grateful for the interaction and some purpose for our trip.  My heart hurt so much for them in that moment.  And Matt and I talked about how small of a deal waiting 45 minutes in line for our room was in comparison to what they were going through.

So if you think of it, please pray for this Julia.  And for her dear dad and mom who love her much and are trying to make the difficult decisions that are best for her in her young life.

We did indeed get checked in after the two men in front of us finally got a room.  We're still not sure exactly what was taking place with them.  We were excited to check out our room!

The view was a highlight!

I won't say who, but someone LOVES chairs that spin!

Who doesn't pluck their eyebrows on the counter top when they see a huge well lit mirror?

Mmm...and a soak!

Liking the shower too.

We were exhausted, but my husband knows me well and wanted me to be able to find my way around the next day while he was in meetings.  So we found the pool and the best ways to get to places in the huge hotel...avoiding the smoke filled casino if possible (not usually!)  We found the gym too.

Can't wait to get back to this pool on the next day...suppose to be sunny and warm!

SINKING into this amazing bed.  I loved it.

Next day.  I found the gym indeed on the second floor and shot pictures of the flower area.  Sorry, I know there's a better word for it but I don't know it.  Honestly, it made me almost nauseous with the strong flower smell!  But the view was nice from up here.

The entrance to the spa/gym was in that far entrance.  I got a very good run in!

Good thing too.  That was probably my best in weeks.  Downhill since then!

The lobby ceiling again.

Ahhhh!  Sweet sunshine.  This is one of many pools.  Seriously.  I just went to the closest one, and didn't even check out the rest of the area until I was ready to go back to the room.

I might have been sending Matt pictures to make him jealous while he was in meetings!

I figured I should be useful and iron our clothes for the evening awards banquet.

See those shoes?  Can you say, "SIX bucks"?  Thank you Payless!  Funny story: one of the marketers, Li, had the same ones at the banquet.  She paid 7 for hers but we were pretty excited about our good fortune.

Matt back from meetings looking studly!  I was finishing drying my hair and he just looked so cute by the purple photo that I decided to put my sunglasses on him and capture it all. :)

We ran out for a little fun before the banquet.  We might have skipped out on the cocktail party.  Just in time for a show from the Bellagio fountain in the daylight!

Video if you're interested. 

We might have run over to H&M too! :)

Back in the room to curl hair and get dressed for my man's big night!

All ready to go!

We sat with Julie Watts (Regional Director of Therapy) and her husband.  It was nice because we knew her and the Colorado marketers were at the table besides us.

Handsome man!

Andrea, a marketer I used to work with, won a major award!

So did the Pueblo branch.

And last, but not least!  Matt was so funny because every Clinician of the Year they called up, he was nervous.  Until he realized it was in alphabetical order, so he relaxed just a bit!  He was so happy to be last!  He did not want to stand up there longer than he had to.  I chuckle thinking about the marketers that were DYING for stage time!

Tracy Kruse (COO) gave him his award.  Here's a video!  Sorry, I'm kind of a bad video recorder.  And I'm yelling.  I didn't want to miss the moment just because I was taping it.

April Anthony (CEO) posing for a picture with all of the awardees.

Utah group.  Posed for a I took it!   I worked with Diane, second from the right.  She is having me do some "training" with a new hire in the next week or so.  They want to try to get back in with an Assisted Living I had contacts with so they're hoping I can rekindle some of that.  I'm thinking about meeting the new marketer at Villa's cafe so the boys are in VillaKids!  Clever, right? Or, she agreed that they might give Matt a productivity to be at home with the boys while I have a meeting or two.  They're crazy!  They really need to get back into the assisted living in Colorado Springs.

Matt with fellow awardees from Colorado offices.

Andrea and me.

I'm so proud of him!

Sorry.  Maybe too many pics?

Vicki was Jim's assistant and was promoted to Jim's position.  Except she said she would only take it if it was just over Pueblo & Colorado Springs, excluding the 3 other branches in Denver and Fort Collins.  She's a good lady.  We're pleased with that decision.

And back to the fountain for another show.  Again, perfect timing,  They run shows every 15 minutes.

Matt's phone makes cool little videos.  You can see his here.  It's fun!

Another video from my camera.

The next day after Matt's morning meetings.  We are back at the airport!

That was a fun trip!  And we still have the flight home and drive from Denver to be together.

Jen is amazing. Have I said that?  On Tuesday night, Kyle had to work late so she had the boys ALL day on her last day.   When we got there they were having a glow stick party! It was obvious they were all tired from their days of partying at the VanHorns!  You could tell they had an absolute blast.  Nathan came home with a homemade bird feeder and an entire folder of papers and lessons and crafts they did.  I love how Jen is laughing as Josh falls apart! ha ha!   Check out the slide on Jamin & Landin's new bunk bed! 

Someone was ornery and did not want to be in a picture.

Jen did a blog post of her own of the boys time together that I stole a few pics from so you could see the fun they had! :)

Bedtime story.

She took them ALL to the gym in their Sequoia!

They got to ride tractors at Kyle's work.

Love these two. (They also all had slushies from Sonic after the gym!)

They made bird feeders.

I was told Nathan insisted on wearing Jamin's clothes everyday.

Bouncing on the exercise ball.

Brushing their teeth.  Adorable!

Learning about spring and kites.

Reading books. 

Josh still loves you can see!  :)

Movie night!  (She said it didn't last long.) :)

The boys watching for birds to eat their nuts and peanut butter from the feeder.  Adorable.


And the glow stick party we came home to.

These kids totally lived it up. Thanks again Kyle & Jen!!!!

1 comment:

mmncgrand said...

So nice to have the trip narrated and with pictures. What an opportunity you had together. I think the boys had. Good time too. You have good friends that obviously love your kids.